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The number of Covid vaccines for 181 million Indonesians is called safe

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Spokesperson (spokesperson) Vaccination Covid-19 from PT Bio Farma, Bambang Hariyanto, said the number of vaccines to be used for the target of 181 million Indonesians had been secured.

Currently, the government has received 98.2 million doses of vaccine, in the form of raw materials or ready-made. The government has also made commitments with vaccine manufacturers from various collaborations abroad.

“God willing, it’s safe,” said Bambang in a virtual discussion that was broadcast live on the MNC Triwijaya Youtube channel, Thursday (1/7) afternoon.

According to Bambang, there are currently 260 million doses of Sinovac vaccine manufacturers, 50 million doses of AstraZeneca, 50 million doses of Novavax, and vaccines from multilateral cooperation which are estimated to reach 54 million doses.

In addition, there are 15 million doses of Sinopharm vaccine specifically used for the Gotong Royong vaccine.

“Astrazeneca has committed another 50 million but the shipment is until Q1 [kuartal 1] 2022. So by the end of the year maybe 20 million can be entered, “explained Bambang.

Bambang further said that so far the government has distributed 63.9 million doses of vaccine to all regions in Indonesia.

Of these, 29.7 million doses have been used for the first stage of vaccination and 13.46 million in the second stage as of 30 June.

“About 43 million in total. So there is still stock,” said Bambang.

It is also said to be accelerating vaccine production. This is done considering that President Joko Widodo is targeting 1 million vaccine injections per day in July and 2 million injections per day in August.

Every week, Bio Farma also produces vaccines from the raw materials it receives.

As for the validity period of the Emergency use authorization (EUA) or the emergency vaccine permit, according to Bambang, it is six months. All regulators provide a storage permit period of six months, including the permit obtained by Bio Farma from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM).

“We are given [vaksin] from the outside [negeri] also the same,” said Bambang.

Previously, on Thursday (1/7) afternoon, the government received 998,400 AstraZeneca vaccines from Japan. So far, the total vaccine from all brands has reached 99,226,800 doses.

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[Gambas:Video CNN]

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