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The number of cases of coronavirus infection in Russia rose to 59 – Society

MOSCOW, March 14. / TASS /. The number of cases of coronavirus infection in Russia has grown from 45 to 59 in the last day, all 14 new cases have visited the European Union in the past two weeks, reporters at the operations headquarters for the prevention and control of new coronavirus infection told reporters on Saturday.

“Over the past day in Russia 14 cases of coronavirus infection have been registered among citizens of the Russian Federation, nine in Moscow, one in the Moscow region, one in St. Petersburg, two in the Kemerovo region, one in the Kaliningrad region,” headquarters, noting that all infected people visited coronavirus-poor countries in the past two weeks: Italy, France, Austria, Germany, Spain, Poland and Switzerland.

The circle of persons with whom the sick were contacted in Russia was also determined. “Work is underway to place contact persons under medical supervision. They are undergoing laboratory examination,” added staff representatives.

In the Russian Federation, 59 cases of coronavirus infection have been registered to date.

The reaction in the regions

The metropolitan operational headquarters for monitoring and monitoring the situation with coronavirus confirmed information on nine new cases of infection in Moscow (a total of 33 cases were detected in the capital). “There are three minors among the sick. Classes of these students were closed on March 10,” the headquarters said.

Moscow authorities established a circle of close people in contact with nine new infected people, ten relatives of those infected were hospitalized. “At the moment, a full circle of all close contacts of the sick has been established. Six relatives of patients receive help at the hospital in Kommunarka. Four – in the infectious diseases hospital. Two relatives remained in home quarantine,” the headquarters said. They specified that not one of the adult patients attended the work.

In turn, the press service of the government of the Kaliningrad region also confirmed a new case of infection. This is the third for the region. The spokesman explained that we are talking about a woman who rested from March 6 to 9 in Berlin. She is currently in the infectious diseases hospital. The woman gave doctors the contact details of the people with whom she spoke.

Health workers conduct a round of citizens who have contacted the sick, collect the necessary tests,” the spokeswoman said, without specifying the state of health of the sick woman. According to doctors, two residents of the region who were previously infected with the new coronavirus are in satisfactory condition, the source said.

In St. Petersburg, a new case of infection is the sixth. Coronavirus was detected in a man who arrived from Italy on March 8, according to the operational headquarters to prevent the importation and spread of a new coronavirus infection. “The man turned out to be ill. He arrived from Italy to St. Petersburg on March 8, and was hospitalized on March 12,” the source said.

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