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The number of cases in Yanaul is growing

It’s no secret that the onset of cold weather will mark an increase in the seasonal incidence of ARVI and influenza. According to the doctor and epidemiologist of the Yaroslavl Central Regional Hospital, Alexander Berezin, the situation in the region regarding the incidence of ARVI is as follows: in October, 457 cases of ARVI were registered (59 of them were children), over the past week – more than 130 cases. The incidence of ARVI remains high.

“I remind you again that today the most effective way to specifically prevent seasonal diseases is vaccination. I strongly recommend that all Yanaul residents not be afraid, not accept various speculations and get vaccinated, – noted the epidemiologist. – Vaccination rooms at polyclinics of the Yaroslavl Central Regional Hospital are open from 8:00 to 17:00. The area has a sufficient supply of vaccines for both adults and children. I will add that only when 60% of the population is immunized can we talk about general immune security.”

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As doctors recommend, in order to prevent ARVI, it is necessary to wear a protective mask, try to limit contact, and wash your hand more often. If infected, the body will be able to cope with the virus on its own. It is enough to support it with plenty of warm drinks and taking the required amount of vitamins, eat more broths and soups, vegetables and fruits. When using preventative medications, you should consult your doctor in advance. By the way, folk remedies will also help protect yourself from infection. For example, herbal infusions, milk with honey, garlic, ginger and rosehip infusion.

«A cold usually has a fairly mild course and ends with complete recovery within 7-10 days. In these cases, the doctor prescribes only symptomatic treatment, – continued Alexander Berezin. – Consultation with a physician is required if the cold infection occurs in an aggressive form and is accompanied by a dangerous bacterial infection. Then specific treatment is required.”

As for COVID-19, according to the specialist, more than 60 cases of the disease have been detected in the Yanaul region since the beginning of the month. The incidence rate has become higher compared to the summer period. Therefore, preventive measures are just as important as in the case of ARVI and influenza.

Let us add that on November 8, during her speech at the Federation Council, the chief sanitary doctor of Russia, Anna Popova, announced ten cases of infection of the country’s residents with a new strain of coronavirus called “Pirola”. It is expected to continue to spread throughout the country.

We remind you that the national project “Healthcare” is being implemented in Russia.

Photo by R. Sangov

2023-11-20 04:49:07

#number #cases #Yanaul #growing

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