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The Nuisance of Asylum Seekers in Maarheeze: A Rising Concern for Residents and Businesses

The operators of the Jumbo supermarket in Maarheeze are quitting because they are tired of the nuisance caused by asylum seekers. And the NS drivers would rather skip the Maarheeze station because of the nuisance. “The atmosphere in Maarheeze is grim, very grim,” says Ed Kalders, spokesman for the entrepreneurs in the village. “I think it only needs this to happen or the bomb to burst.”

Almost everyone you speak to in the center of Maarheeze has a story about the problems caused by young men staying in the azc in Budel. A man says that the staff of Kruidvat is already stressed when the men enter in groups. Another shows a photo on his phone of a young employee of the Jumbo, who is trying to get an asylum seeker who has stolen something out. Jumbo itself does not want to explain the problems in more detail.

“They walk through the supermarket with machetes.”

Police and enforcement drive back and forth in the village and there are security guards in the shops. But that did not solve the problems. On Wednesday afternoon, entrepreneurs will talk again with the municipality and the police about how to tackle the problems. But no one has a ready-made solution until now.

“On Tuesday, a woman who was withdrawing money was still threatened with death, because she said something that a young man wanted to watch when she entered her PIN. And in the Jumbo and Lidl, groups of asylum seekers sometimes walk with machetes in their pockets,” according to Ed Kalders. Like many other inhabitants, he longs to go back to the time when Maarheeze was just a quiet village.

A man who arrives says that he sees the young men assembling almost every day. “They are well dressed and have expensive iPhones in their pockets. They are always in groups. I myself am married to an Indian woman with a dark skin color, so absolutely not a racist, but I sometimes think that Maarheeze is too tolerant. On camera at my front door the other day I saw a young man with a beard snooping around our house.” He shows a photo on his phone as proof and tells that his daughter’s bicycle was also recently stolen.

“It’s a few bad apples. We shouldn’t lump them together.”

A woman who has just done her shopping at the Jumbo stands up for the asylum seekers: “Maybe I’m lucky, but it never bothers me. It’s a small group of bad apples. I think the asylum seekers’ center should remain, to to help people. Recently I went to a concert by Syrian refugees in Budel. They were all very nice people. We should not tar them with the same brush.”

Ed Kalders says he has the idea that the nuisance is getting worse: “That has to do with the young men from safe countries, it is simply impossible to sail a country with them. Theft, humiliation and people who are called names, that is the order of day.” According to Ed, more and more people are going shopping in other places because they no longer feel comfortable in Maarheeze.


Agents on the train to prevent nuisance to asylum seekers

Train drivers NS want to pass Maarheeze after nuisance asylum seekers

2023-07-05 17:00:52
#Grim #atmosphere #Maarheeze #due #nuisance #azc #Wait #bomb #bursts

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