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The Nouvelliste | Murder of Diego Charles: the words of Léopold Berlanger, CEO of radio Vision 2000

Murder of Diego Charles: the words of Léopold Berlanger, CEO of radio Vision 2000

We publish below the words of Léopolod Berlanger, CEO of Radio Vision 2000 where the journalist Diego Charles worked, shot dead on June 29.

Posted on 2021-07-06 | lenouvelliste.com

Your Vision 2000 station is in mourning. Our collaborator Diego Charles left us at the age of 33 on the night of June 29 to 30, 2021.

This son of the house made his debut as a trainee journalist at Radio Vision 2000 in 2013. Having become a senior professional journalist, he was above all a citizen committed to the change and advancement of our country.

Like so many other media, Vision 2000 has experienced various attacks and setbacks, some more serious than others. This time the worst has happened, a heinous and infamous assassination snatched Diego from his brave family as well as Vision 2000.

In these circumstances we also have a special thought for the family and all those close to Marie Antoinette Duclaire who was in the company of Diego Charles, and who suffered the same fate. We also salute all those citizens who were massacred that night. They are all victims of the decrepitude of the state.

By parodying with a few nuances, 36 years later, the judicious remarks made by the late Me Gérard Gourgues: “Until when the tap of blood will continue to flow on our land of Haiti without drying up ?. Isn’t it high time to turn off and lock that blood tap? “

At this point, we defer to justice to ensure that justice is done without any complacency.

Vision 2000 will not back down. It remains fully determined to relentlessly pursue the fight for change and the advancement of our country.

We say a big thank you to all those from different sectors who have shown their sympathy and moral support to Vision 2000. The management of Vision 2000 and the whole team would like to congratulate and thank our colleagues in the press, in particular those of the National Association of Haitian Media (ANMH) who showed their active solidarity through their programming and special coverage. .

We also say a big thank you to all our listeners and our sponsors who shared with Vision 2000 this painful and difficult time. Thank you to all of you !

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