Home » today » Health » The Nouvelliste | Clash between armed gangs, the Covid-19 center of Delmas 2 in great difficulty

The Nouvelliste | Clash between armed gangs, the Covid-19 center of Delmas 2 in great difficulty

The security situation in the country is worsening, to mention it is the obvious. At the same time, from one provincial town to another, the Covid-19 continues its murderous course in a context of failure of the main public and private hospitals.

The Delmas Care Center, a public center opened by the Ministry of Public Health and Population, following the increase in cases at the beginning of May, is experiencing an open-air tragedy where the tears of the sick gradually fade, covered by the detonations of automatic weapons and the fear of stray bullets.

“10 days after the opening of the center, we had received around 31 patients. Today, the situation is just as serious, but we only have 7 patients,” says Dr Lunick Santiague, main manager of the treatment center. charge of Covid-19 in Delmas 2.

Behind this simple observation hides a reality of the most dazzling. “Patients have been dying for several days before arriving here, ambulances cannot access the hospital. Stable patients are forced to stay in the hospital. Staff cannot come and inputs are blocked against their will. authorities to equip the center to help patients who are in difficulty. ” This is the gloomy picture painted by Dr Lunick Santiague in an interview with Le Nouvelliste this Sunday, June 20, 2021.

Exhausted and probably discouraged to see that the hospital center no longer manages to fulfill its mission correctly, Dr Lunick Santiague admits that the initial plan was to evacuate serious cases to the university hospital of Mirebalais, or even to simply close, since the professionals who work at Delmas 2 no longer want to juggle two balls to save lives.

“For the moment, we are trying to do our best, but I must tell you that we are in great difficulty. The climate of insecurity in the vicinity of the center is unbearable”, laments Dr. Lunick Santiague.

Not seeing the sunlight at the end of a horizon that darkens all day long, Dr. Santiague is content to discuss the situation, without making any promises, desperately awaiting a happy ending so that he can continue to provide care.

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