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The Nouvelliste | AS Capoise under the threat of the “Red Horse”

Haitian D1 football championship: day 4

AS Capoise under the threat of the “Red Horse”

Despite the threat of a new strike by the referees, the Organizing Committee of the Haitian Football Championship has published the confirmatory schedule for the 4th day of the closing series. A fourth day against the backdrop of a crisis of all kinds.

Posted on 2021-04-30 | lenouvelliste.com

The Association Sportive Capoise will make a complicated trip on Sunday on the lawn of the Association Sportive du Cavaly on behalf of the 4th day of the closing series of the Haitian D1 football championship. Leader of the competition after two disputed days in the field and with as many victories, the Association Sportive Capoise will take up a hell of a challenge with this trip. Because since its 2-1 victory at the expense of Real Hope FA during the second day, the Association Sportive du Cavaly has been chasing a second success that is slow to come since it could not do better than a 1-1 draw. on the lawn of Don Bosco during the 3rd day and can even be happy to have narrowly equalized against AS Mirebalais in an advanced match counting for the 7th day played Wednesday at Gérard Christophe Park, enough to motivate a little more the “Red Horse” who will therefore play for first place in the competition on Sunday. Daphnis Faustin is designated as the one who will lead this part.

Kick-off in the middle of May 1st

Racing Club Haitien will host Don Bosco FC on Saturday in the opening match of the 4th day of the closing series of the Haitian football championship as to commemorate in their own way this Labor Day which will also mark the 123rd anniversary of the Nouvelliste . Penultimate in this closing series, the “Old Lion”, who celebrated his 98th spring on March 23, is chasing his first success in the competition after two contested matches. If the referees who had given April 29 as a deadline to the federation to either observe a new work stoppage or to obtain their due do not carry out their threat, the Gonaïvien Jean Évenskck Desjardins will lead this meeting during which the Don Bosco FC of Paulin Jean will go to seek his second success in a row in the competition after that obtained in an advanced match counting for the 7th day on Wednesday evening at the expense of Juventus FC at Parc Sainte-Thérèse (Two advanced matches counting for the 7th day have were played in the middle of the week. Don Bosco beat Juventus FC 2-0 and AS Cavaly saved the 1-1 draw against AS Mirebalais. Both matches were brought forward because Don Bosco and AS Cavaly will play the Caribbean Champion Clubs’ Championship from May 15 to 25 in the Dominican Republic).

Complete schedule for this 4th day

Saturday May 1, 2021
Sylvio Cator Stadium
Racing Club Haitien – Don Bosco FC de Pétion-Ville
Sunday, May 2, 2021
Gérard Christophe Park
Association Sportive Cavaly – Association Sportive Capoise
Louis Lamartinière Park
US Riveartibonitienne – Baltimore Sportif Club
Saint-Louis de Mirebalais Park
Association Sportive de Mirebalais – América FC
Vincent Park of Gonaïves
Racing FC – Real Hope FA
Land of Gabions in Les Cayes
Liverpool – FC Arcahaie
Saint-Victor Park
FICA – Ouanaminthe FC
Saint-Marc Levelt Park
Tempête FC – Triomphe Athlétic Club
Sylvio Cator Stadium
Cosmopolites SC – Violette AC

A day which still remains under the threat of a strike by the referees but which could see other clubs experience similar adventures to those of the clubs which had to cross Nippes during this week. Indeed, leaving Cap-Haitien after losing against the Association Sportive Capoise on Sunday, America FC players suffered for hours and had to wait for contacts to multiply and for leaders to obtain an exit window so that they can finally return to their homes. A long, unexpected wait that implies hours and hours of missed recovery after hours of travel. The FICA players also went through the same ordeal when they returned from Les Cayes. The players of Juventus from Les Cayes who should come to play against Don Bosco on Wednesday were not better off. These clubs are victims of the fact that the Petit-Goâviens protest against the kidnapping of the representatives of their city just as protest the people of Nazon, Bois-Verna, Diquini, Bizoton without slowing down the pace of the kidnapping without any authority. promises to do something. Suffice to say that the clubs that will have to travel this weekend may simply run into other movements similar to that of Petit-Goâve and suddenly players could find themselves in the situation of spending hours of waiting without to be able to neither eat, nor sleep, nor rest for things which are beyond them but which concern them because every patriot is concerned by the misfortune of another compatriot. Hopefully the situation will be better.

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