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The Nouakchott Declaration calls for pressure to accept Palestine’s membership in the United Nations

Al-Akhbar (Nouakchott) The Organization of Islamic Cooperation called on its member states to press for the acceptance of Palestine’s membership in the United Nations, while it welcomed the agreement between Saudi Arabia and Iran.

This came in the final statement of the 49th session of the OIC foreign ministers, which was held in Nouakchott over two days.

The final statement affirmed the OIC member states’ commitment in principle to the Palestinian cause as the central issue for the Islamic nation.

The statement called on the international community to assume its responsibilities in accordance with international law and take the necessary measures to force Israel to refrain from all illegal measures and practices and to abide by all international resolutions in the Holy City of Jerusalem.

He renewed the commitment of the member states to “preserving the sovereignty of Yemen, Syria and Libya,” expressing “the solidarity of the OIC member states with Azerbaijan, Somalia, Sudan, Djibouti, Comoros, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the people of Jammu and Kashmir and the Turkish Cypriots.”

The statement affirmed the organization’s “principled position on settling the Jammu and Kashmir dispute by peaceful means, in accordance with relevant UN Security Council resolutions.”

He indicated “commitment to continue working on reforming the Organization of Islamic Cooperation with the aim of developing its work mechanisms to keep pace with regional and international changes and the realities of the modern era.”

The organization expressed its rejection of “terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, and its condemnation of all attempts aimed at linking it to a specific country, religion, race, race or civilization,” calling for “activating mechanisms of solidarity and integration to prevent terrorist acts in accordance with the principles of international law and the charters of the United Nations and the Cooperation Organization.”

The organization expressed its “concern about the growing phenomena of asylum and humanitarian displacement in various parts of the world, especially in some OIC countries,” stressing “the need to provide support to countries hosting refugees and displaced persons.”

The statement welcomed “the end of the armed conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia,” reiterating “solidarity with Azerbaijan in its efforts to rehabilitate and rebuild the liberated lands that were badly damaged by the Armenian aggression, and to enable the displaced to return to their homes quickly.”

The statement praised “the agreement between Saudi Arabia and Iran under Chinese auspices, according to which the two countries decided to reopen their embassies.”

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