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The Norwegian child walkers

For a long time, the flocks of poor children on the move were a sure sign of spring in several places in Norway. The youngest were seven years old.

During the summer, the children had to work and earn money from rich families, to save their own.

The encounter with working life became hard and brutal for many of them. Today you can follow in the children’s footsteps.


If we gathered the baby walkers in one place, they would make up an entire army of around 5,000 small people. But especially sending young girls to work alone was associated with danger.

  • Anette Skonseng

    Freelance journalist

July 7, 2022 10:21

Last updated just now

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AFTENPOSTEN HISTORY: Recently, surprising and unexpected stories emerged about the paths child walkers chose to take later in life.

Today it would be unthinkable to send the children so far away, for so long, all alone. At that time, many parents had no choice.

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