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The North-East vs South-East Conflict: Understanding the Global Divide and Consequences

The North-East against the South-East: Live with your eyes open or die with your illusions.

If you know any with open eyes, you know, those who, like young children, never stop looking to the right and to the left, because the world is so surprising, then don’t hesitate for a moment to get closer to them. They are certainly full of knowledge and wisdom. The World and humans are made in such a way that truths are hidden, manipulation and lies proliferate, honesty and truth become more and more rare. This is sometimes called “political correctness”. So, as usual, The King’s Fool tells you everything. Take advantage of it, he is the only one in this kingdom who can do it:

“The world was in a thousand pieces, the human world is today cut in two. In animals and plants, this is not the case. Some call this the great balances of Nature and Life. This is probably the reason why some humans refuse to belong to the animal world. Small fights between tribes have long ceased to interest them. Since Chance, Necessity or God has given them the ability to understand the global, let’s go with all our hearts, exploit, dominate, master the entire Earth. Not everyone followed. As a result, we find ourselves today with humanity split in two: the North-East dominating on one side, the South-East dominated (but not for long, it seems), on the other.

What’s funny (Nature is full of surprises) is that today the dominated play almost equally with the dominant. Today, they are both capable of destroying the other. What’s even more amusing (so to speak) is that this destruction would automatically affect the aggressor. So, no nuclear bombs, we continue to play everywhere, at tribal war… until death ensues? The dominated don’t laugh, because they know. But they don’t give up, hoping to make the other understand the absurdity of their fight.”

King’s fool

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2023-12-29 04:02:36
#real #history #world

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