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The nobility is amazed at the circumstances of the police investigation. He leaned against Hamáček

That the nobility is being investigated by the police due to a possible leak of information through his publication Thirty Years Under Oath, reported Czech justice portal with a link to Hamáček. The police then announced on Twitter that this was indeed the case.

“It is striking for me that the information about the fact that I was being examined by the police was given by the Minister of the Interior Hamáček, but he should not be entitled to it in any case. This information was not published by the police until this afternoon. interview for CNN Prima NEWS, saying that he finds it funny when he is being investigated for classified information released by the Minister of the Interior himself.

For this reason, Šlachta also announced that he might be suing Hamáček. “I will definitely consult about it, and if necessary, of course I will take legal action, because Mr. Hamáček attacks me and gets to things he doesn’t have to do,” he explained the reason for his action.

As for the investigation itself, the former police officer is looking forward to it. He has not yet been officially notified. “I don’t know yet who will be checking on me from the police, so we’ll see which department gets it. I’m really looking forward to it, because I’ve experienced a lot of things over the years and I’ve described a lot of them in that book. (…) I hope “that the information from my proceedings will continue to be published. The only thing I can do now is wait for what they will come up with,” he said.

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The investigation is politicized by Šlacht’s words, which is also confirmed by the fact that the Minister of the Interior informed about it through a written interpellation by ODS deputy Pavel Žáček.

“I expected it to come, Mr. Hamáček and Mr. Žáček are mentioned in the book. I know that they do not like the book and that they do not like it, because I write about the background of the police and Mr. Chovanc (former Minister of the Interior Milan Chovanc – note note) “ed.) Mr. Hamáček is only continuing what has been introduced here for years,” said the director.

“The inspection was there, I do not hide that we talked a lot about it with my colleagues. On the other hand, we also wanted to describe the actions and things that are in the background and that are not known to the citizens at all. he allowed himself to write, “he swore that he was extremely careful in writing the book and that he did not use any secret information in it.

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