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The “no” to Milei as a strategy in the province | Facundo Manes with radical legislators from Buenos Aires

The national deputy Facundo Manes continues with his territorial agenda on the province of Buenos Aires. In his offices in the Federal Capital, the neurosurgeon received radical legislators from Buenos Aires led by Maximiliano Abad, from Mar del Plata, president of the Juntos block in the Chamber of Deputies. According to him, the talks revolved around the “difficult scenario” that both the country and the province are experiencing in economic matters. There was a list of the districts and sections of Buenos Aires and one idea prevailed: seek to be competitive outside of what other forces of the opposition collation do.

Beyond the speculation and wishes of some co-religionists to see him leading the province’s ticket, those who walk daily with Manes are clear that the pre-candidate for President of the Nation and his participation in the PASO against the governor of Jujuy, Gerardo Morales , it will not be altered. The deputy from Saladillo and participant in the meeting on Tuesday, Alejandra Lorden, assured Buenos Aires/12 what “Facundo Manes has a national project and its anchor at the provincial level is Maximiliano Abad and his team.”

The sharing of the meeting revolved around the strategies of the UCR in each section and district of Buenos Aires in view of a meeting with the rest of the members of the opposition coalition. Radicalism wants to arrive with the clarity of knowing in which municipalities it wants to compete in the PASO, in which to seek an alliance of current candidates, where it considers itself more competitive and in which it is clear that it can achieve victory. According to Lorden, the scenarios that are discussed in the radical ruling party of the province have the objective of “strengthening the space and then sitting down with the partners” instead of “going around looking so much at what they do.”

“I want to remember what we did because there I decided that I am going to be part of the generation that must move the country forward,” Manes told those present in relation to the 2021 elections where he garnered almost one and a half million votes. In this sense, the provincial legislator indicated that radicalism must continue to gain volume. “The strategy belongs to the coalition -in reference to the whole of Together for Change- and it is not closed, but in the meantime the radical leaders must be empowered, above all in the interior”, explained. He reported that during the meeting districts and sections were selected in order to find the greatest possible order within the party.

A little over a month ago, Manes held a meeting with radical mayors of the province that served to advance in a line that many White Beret leaders tend to comment on under their breath: “We must talk about the problems of the people more than candidacies.” With this premise, the neurosurgeon walks the Buenos Aires soil. On Monday he was on February 3 together with the community chief of the PRO, Diego Valenzuela, and last week he toured Lezama and General Belgrano.

In today’s meeting, the national deputy who in 2021 lost the internship to Diego Santilli, conveyed to those present that “unthinkable things are happening”. territories,” he said.

Lorden took this message and predicted that, beyond the climates and angry speeches of society towards politics, “a stage is coming where it begins to listen to the offer not of person, but of parties.” Manes’ tour of the province and particularly the suburbs will continue in these weeks and he asked the assistants to accompany him on the walks.

When referring to tolerance, Javier Milei appears as a point of reflection. Recently, the head of the Civic Coalition, Elisa Carrió, assured that former President Mauricio Macri would prefer to share a political space with the libertarian leader rather than continue in Together for Change. Manes considered before those present in her address that they are currently being analyzed electoral alternatives that can be very dangerous for society. “That freedom that they talk about so much implies building walls, but real freedom is achieved by tearing down walls, not with violent speeches and attacking the adversary”, sentenced. Asked about it, Lorden agreed one hundred percent with the neurosurgeon’s reading.

The abbey legislator who was present at the meeting together with, among others, the senator from Mar del Plata Flavia Delmonte and the senator Agustin Morepoliwas forceful regarding Milei’s situation at the front: “We found no reason to include it in Together for Change”.

In this direction, Lorden criticized different measures that the host of La Libertad Avanza usually repeats, such as dollarization. “Milei has proposals such as dollarizing without having the machine to make dollars, or she talks about having weapons and selling organs”recalled the deputy in clear incompatibility with her political vision, and was forceful about the role of governments: “The State is failing, but no country lives without a State.”

Lorden, a gynecologist by profession, was confident with the future of radicalism in the province and stressed that “Facundo’s image is growing in the polls so we cannot give up.” “Argentina needs a space with common sense, of non-extremes, because that would fail again and we don’t want to be part of that,” he pointed. In his message towards the end of the meeting, Manes recalled the 2021 elections where, he emphasized, “the province of Buenos Aires was painted red and white.” “We took the step and we are going to replicate it throughout the country,” he predicted.

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