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The ‘Nintendo PlayStation’ can deliver tons at auction

Sony and Nintendo worked together in the 90s on a game console that played games from a CD-ROM, which was developed under the name ‘Play Station’. The companies got into a fight, after which the device never hit the market. A few years later, Sony released the PlayStation, which also used CD-ROMs.

It is the first time that the “Nintendo PlayStation” prototype owner, Terry Diebold, is trying to sell the console. He bought the prototype in 2009 at the foreclosure sale of the house of a former Sony employee. In 2015 the owner’s son found him in the attic, after which the entire collecting world discovered the find.

Diebold has been trying to earn money from the device for years by renting it out to museums or events, for example. That has not been successful so far, so he is now going to sell it.

Million dollars

On the Nintendo PlayStation you can bid on the auction site since today Heritage Auction. The device can yield a lot of money there: sealed old games were sold for tens of thousands of dollars.

Diebold has already had substantial bids. One collector would have even had a million dollars left for the prototype.

The auction will close in three weeks. The highest bid is currently $ 48,000.

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