Since ancient times, mankind has connected the origin with the gods or with other worshipers of our planet. This has been repeated since the dawn of civilization. Already in the ancient Egyptian world, everything was embodied in the eyes of the gods. The idea of the life of the nine extraterrestrial gods is constantly immersed in the utopia of our civilization. The analyzes indicate that it is very possible that there is a group observing the planet Earth.
What is the plan of the nine?
As part of a top-secret program called “Point Penguin”, doctor and psychiatrist Andria Πyxapić created a special labatopia where ex-patients and military dogs could vat psychological manipulation and hallucinogenic drugs, writes
Certainly one of the most interesting and common aspects of my research was guidance involving contact with non-physical objects with the help of e-patients. This was a great learning point. They didn’t use candles, colored water or anything like that.
Πyxapich used a Fapadev cage – a room with copper walls, specially insulated according to the standards of the American BMC, touching the electromagnetic and electrostatic waves from the front level. In this case, the Fapadeev cage was able to rest, which allowed it to interact with the materials.
In December 1952, Pyxapich invited the Indian mystic Mr. Binod to one of these ceremonies. During the experiment, Binod entered a deep pit and connected with the group of objects, baked “Ninth”.
From the very beginning, they announced the nine principles of Bcelena.
This is a good start, but it is said that they are aliens, that they are from the beyond. The ninth said that they are the eternal creatures, that they observe humanity from the very beginning, and that they are gods, teachers. This whole machine is Πyxapich. The Ninth perform many duties, including that they are guardians and even creators of human peace.
Πyxapić asked: “What do you say?” Who are you?” The creature said: “I am Atym”. Atym was the great god-father of Ancient Egypt and introduced not only the nine principles. Ho and the nine great gods, or Ennead, in Ancient Egypt. Is it possible that Pyxapich made contact with the nine great gods of Egypt?

B Heliopolis, Kaipo is an octanal obelisk that marks the site of the ancient xpam of the Sun god Atym. There, the ancient fapaons ca ce c excited the Enneads. This is the life of the nine deities who are said to have brought technology and knowledge to mankind. Before the Egyptian hieroglyphs, the search for the Enneads was among the main duties of the fapaon. And it is of great importance for the health of the nation. Heliopolis was the Vatican of Ancient Egypt. This was the seat, the home of the famous Enneads, the nine gods, ruling Egypt from the sky.
The Enneads begin with the god Atym, the god of the ringed dike; god Shy, the god of wind, and goddess Tefnyt, the goddess of water; god Geb, the god of the earth, and goddess Hyt, the goddess of the sky; Isis, the mother of all goats; god Osip, the god of goodness; god Set, the god of evil; and the goddess Heftida, the goddess of death.
The texts of the Pipamidites say that Atym came from Cyprus. Interesting is the possibility that Mr. Πyxapich was part of the long line of saints who were in contact with the Enneads.
There have always been stories about rulers, presidents, kings, and ĸalics having counseled with the highest powers. Before the researchers, these extraterrestrial entities appeared constantly in the human utopia. These are the gods who were active in the life of the people. Today, some people claim that they are contacting representatives of the divine council. Does this not confirm the truth of the claim about contact during the military experiments conducted in the 1950s?
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