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The night storm broke the trees – Novinky.cz

“Firefighters intervened in 21 events in connection with the storm, in seventeen cases it was trees that fell on the roads. In Nedvědice in the Brno region, they removed a fallen telecommunication pole from the road, in Přímětice in the Znojmo region they secured loose sheets on the roof of an apartment building and in Nýrov in the Blansko region they secured loose tents, “said Petr Příkaský, a spokesman for South Moravian firefighters.

Even on Saturday before seven o’clock in the morning, firefighters went to Mašovice in the Znojmo region to destroy another tree blocking the road.

Firefighters during a night intervention against the consequences of a storm

Photo: HZS Jihomoravského kraje

The storm prepared dramatic moments for the four-member crew of the boat on the surface of the upper Nový Mlýn reservoir near Pasohlávek in the Brno region. “They couldn’t paddle to the shore, so they called for help. No one was injured, everyone was fine, “said the spokesman.

Firefighters and paramedics came to the scene. Firefighters in the Brno and Břeclav regions have extensive experience with night cruises on lakes, most often performed by fishermen. Last year, a violent storm carried the fishermen from the bottom to the middle reservoir, where their boat sank.

Firefighters had the most work in the Znojmo and Blansko regions. According to the spokesman, they expect further trips to any identified trees, which fell on less frequented roads and bike paths.

In the Jihlava region, a train hit a tree

Firefighters on Highlands they removed trees, branches and drained water due to storms and rain. They also intervened on a train near Rantířov in the Jihlava region, which ran into a tree. They had about 150 hits. This was stated by Petra Musilová, a spokeswoman for the regional fire brigade. According to the overview of interventions, the trees are also removed on Saturday morning.

Most often, firefighters removed trees and branches that fell on the roads and prevented smooth traffic. They had the most interventions in Žďársko. “After eight o’clock in the evening, the train ran into a fallen tree in the track near Rantířov. The incident was without injuries,” the spokeswoman said.

Before 8.30 pm, two fire brigades intervened in a car that crashed into a fallen tree near Pavlov near Herálec in the Havlíčkův Brod region.

The storm with the strong wind broke the trees on Hradec Králové. Firefighters had over 50 exits in the region. Above all, they removed the trees that fell on the roads. No one was injured in the storms, firefighters said on Twitter.

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