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The next iPhones will have USB Type-C ports

IPhone users will be able to borrow a charger from non-Apple cellphone users now that a years-old drama is drawing to a close. This is because Apple has confirmed that future iPhones will have USB Type-C ports.

Those using the brand’s cell phones must have had a hard time when they ran out of battery and no one had a compatible charger to borrow. The situation has been the subject of complaint for years since the launch of the brand’s smartphones, but only now will Apple give in to the change.

Apple listens to the European Union and future iPhones will have a USB Type-C input

In an interview with the American newspaper The Wall Street Journal on the 25th, during the Tech Live event, Apple’s vice president of marketing, Greg Joswiak, confirmed that the brand will follow the recommendations of the European Union (EU). “Obviously, we have to follow them; we have no choice, ”the executive said.

The EU guide is that EU mobile phones Apple have the standard USB Type-C input. The current input of the brand’s smartphone charger is Apple’s own, called Lightning. The company has a history of developing products with its own standard. According to Joswiak, the company’s culture is to trust its engineers and hardware technologies.

Apple adopts the USB-C port

In recent years, the company has launched other products that already have USB-C input, such as some iPad models.

Despite the executive’s claim that cell phones will also have standard input, so far it is unknown since the launch of the iPhone will come with the novelty of the USB-C input.

The European Union has established that cell phone manufacturers adhere to the Type-C standard by autumn 2024, between the months of September and December.

Image: DenPhotos / shutterstock.com

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