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The next Cyberpunk 2077 patch changes driving and police behavior

The next major update to Cyberpunk 2077 has been long overdue since then was exposed due to the hacker attack on the developer. Now we have at least gained some insight into what we can expect from the upcoming 1.2 update.

CD Project RED recently shared details about some of what the update contains, but the complete list of changes will only come a little later.

The 1.2 patch will, among other things, adjust the way the police behave in the game. Many players have complained that the police are in excess of speed on the spot after a crime has taken place, and developers will now fix this.

Photo: CD Project RED

Slow response

With the upcoming update, the police forces will not appear right near the player for long, but instead react in a more realistic way by spending some time trooping at the scene.

In addition to this, the police will also send a drone to the scene of the reconnaissance, which arrives before the police forces. You can see a demonstration in the video at the top of the article.

Beyond this, the drive will get a fairly powerful overhaul with the new update. A new slider in the settings menu allows players to adjust the steering sensitivity of the cars, which will make it easier to control the cars.

According to CD Projekt RED, many players have complained that the cars skid out to the curb too easily, especially when playing on platforms with lower frame rates, or when playing with a keyboard on a PC.

The update also comes with a new feature that allows you to rock the car back and forth to regain grip after getting stuck on an edge or other objects. A demonstration of the function can be seen at the bottom of the article.

The 1.2 update has not yet been given a date, but the developer has previously indicated that it will come during the second half of March, which means that it will probably come soon.

Also read: Cyberpunk 2077 now has official modification support »

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