Home » today » World » The news of Fabiola’s complaint against Alberto for gender violence, in the main newspapers of the world

The news of Fabiola’s complaint against Alberto for gender violence, in the main newspapers of the world


The complaint of Fabiola Yanez to the former president Alberto Fernandez for gender violenceharassment and “psychological terrorism” reached international levels and reached the main newspapers of the world. Media from Brazil, Peru, Uruguay, Spain, among others, echoed the accusation of the former first lady.

In addition to describing the situation as a “scandal,” the international press also referred to the legal cases facing the former president of the nation, such as the one linked to the state insurance scandal in which María Cantero, Fernández’s long-time secretary, is also involved.

“Former Argentine President Fernández denies accusations of gender-based violence by his ex-partner,” reads the headline of the Peruvian newspaper TradeIn addition to explaining the former president’s statement in which he indicates that the facts for which he is accused are false, the publication also briefly reviews the relationship between the politician and the journalist and actress.

The note from the newspaper El Comercio. Capture

Another Latin American media outlet that replicated the news was the newspaper The globe from Brazil, which highlights the complaint by Yañez and the decision of federal judge Julián Ercolini to immediately order restrictive measures against Fernández and a ban on leaving the country.

Brazil’s O Globo newspaper. Capture

The newspaper The country Uruguay also echoed the news and mentioned the insurance case, since it was through the telephone expert reports in the context of that case that evidence of various instances of physical abuse by the former president towards his partner became known.

“The events would have happened when Fernández was president and both lived in Quinta de Olivos”the publication clarifies.

The Country of Uruguay.Capture

“Former president denies accusations,” headlines Chilean newspaper Third after the news was released. In addition to reviewing the restriction measures, they give details of how the bond they will maintain for the child they have in common will be.

“The son she shares with the former trans-Andean ruler, It will be the maternal grandmother who maintains the link with Fernández. The court ordered that Alberto should not come within 500 metres of his ex-partner, her home in Madrid or any other place where she is: what’s more, it prohibited the former president from leaving the country,” the publication states.

The publication of the newspaper La Tercera, in Chile. Capture

As is often the case in these cases, the Spanish media also referred to the scandal of former President Fernández. The newspaper The world She says that Yañez has been living in the capital since last year and echoes the complaints she filed against her ex-partner.

He also points out that at first, when the information about the photos on Fernández’s secretary’s phone became known, “the Argentine justice system was unable to act.”Yáñez, 43, had made the decision to forget the matter and walk away. of Fernández65, raising their son in Spain, who is just over two years old,” the note states.

And he adds: “But when he found out Yáñez that the case would be published in the Argentine press, the situation of Fernández change”.

The publication of El Mundo of Spain.Capture

Its national counterpart, the newspaper ABCalso refers to the former president’s statements after Yañez’s complaint and titles the publication with a forceful quote from Fernández: “It never happened.”

“The situation of former Argentine President Alberto Fernández is worsening as the hours go by,” the note said.

The judicial case investigating Alberto Fernández’s alleged influence peddling in favor of certain brokers uncovered the alleged episodes of violence. Based on the expert examination of the telephone of the former president’s secretary, Maria Canteromessages appeared that reported the blows that the former president inflicted on the then first lady, Fabiola Yañez. According to LA NACION, the story to Cantero included photos.

Following the discovery, the judge contacted the former first lady through the lawyer Juan Pablo Fioribello – who had represented her in other cases – and told her that he wanted to talk to her. Finally, on Tuesday the woman made a statement. The complaint includes, on the one hand, the accusation of the beatings and, on the other, that of alleged harassment that would continue to this day..

Following the complaint, Ercolini ordered urgent restrictive measures against Fernández: a ban on leaving the countrya restriction order less than 500 meters from the victim’s home or where she carries out her usual activities and also ordered the Ministry of Security to provide the means to Strengthen Yañez’s custody.

In addition, he decided to order the former head of State to “cease any acts of disturbance or intimidation that he directly or indirectly carries out towards Fabiola Yañez both in the analogue and digital space.” Ercolini also ordered delegate the case to federal prosecutor Carlos Rívolo -who intervenes with Ercolini in the insurance case-.

For its part, Fernández told LA NACION that “it is all false” and that he will prove it “before the courts”. A few hours after the complaint was made public, he issued a statement confirming this claim and also assuring that he would provide in court “the evidence and testimony that will show what really happened.”

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