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The New York Times: Biden Agreed to Secret Nuclear Plan for War Against Russian Federation and China


The document, printed in paper form only for confidentiality, has been approved by Biden Photo:

US President Joe Biden has adopted a program called the Nuclear Posture Directive, which outlines the country’s process for preparing for a possible coordinated nuclear challenge from China, Russia and Korea North. It is noted that, for strict confidentiality, the document was printed only in paper form without an electronic copy.

“In a secret document approved in March, the President ordered the US military to prepare for a coordinated nuclear conflict with Russia, China and North Korea. reports The New York Times Newspaper. It is noted that the document is a secret strategic plan for the United States to prepare for nuclear conflict with China, Russia and North Korea and has an original version only in paper .

Earlier, US presidential candidate Donald Trump warned about China’s plans to develop nuclear weapons. According to him, the Asian country will soon be able to overtake America in the size of the arsenal of such weapons, reports RT.


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US President Joe Biden has adopted a program called the Nuclear Posture Directive, which outlines the country’s process for preparing for a possible coordinated nuclear challenge from China, Russia and Korea North. It is noted that, for strict confidentiality, the document was printed only in paper form without an electronic copy. “In a secret document approved in March, the president ordered the US military to prepare for coordinated nuclear conflicts with Russia, China and North Korea,” the New York Times reports. It is noted that the document is a secret strategic plan for the United States to prepare for nuclear conflict with China, Russia and North Korea and has an original version only in paper . Earlier, US presidential candidate Donald Trump warned about China’s plans to develop nuclear weapons. According to him, the Asian country will be able to surpass America in the size of the arsenal of such weapons, reports RT.

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2024-08-20 21:00:00

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