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The New Work-Life Balance: Prioritizing Personal Time Over Professional Success

Clément Bargain, edited by Gauthier Delomez / Photo credits:

The relationship to work has profoundly changed for a majority of French people. The two years of the pandemic have passed by: after Covid-19, 98% of managers do not consider work to be their priority. They are also refocusing on priorities other than their professional life, reports a Hellowork survey on the subject. Europe 1 has met some for whom personal life is more important than their career.

This is the case of Guillaume, an executive in an optical company, who had the habit before the health crisis of not counting his hours. But his relationship to work is no longer the same. “Post-Covid has allowed us to reprioritize our professional roadmap,” he underlines.

The “three-eight” rule

This executive now wants to “work to live and not live to work. The rule of three-eight: eight hours to sleep, eight hours to work and eight hours for you each day”. A work-life balance that has become a priority for 71% of executives.

Benoit is part of this majority of executives. A computer engineer, he telecommutes one or two days a week. “It allows us to have a better balance, by being able to take care of our housework or our shopping, and to have more time for ourselves”, he notes to Europe 1. him, “it is very difficult to make employees accept a job completely in the office”.

More demanding executives when recruiting

This is the observation that Yamina Moukah actually draws up. This headhunter observes a change in priorities in recruitment. “Executives today are no longer ready to sacrifice everything like our parents’ generation did,” she notes. “They are demanding. They want flexibility, tension, they want the very human,” says Yamina Moukah.

Even the concept of a career is no longer popular. Indeed, 77% of executives believe that one can succeed professionally without managing a team.

2023-05-02 04:38:24
#Work #live #live #work #executives #changed #relationship #work

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