Home » today » World » The new time has come! Let’s get into it faster!? – 2024-09-12 21:42:58

The new time has come! Let’s get into it faster!? – 2024-09-12 21:42:58

/ world today news/ In a number of publications, above all in ” world today news”, I try to prove that a new time is coming, which brings sharp and deep changes; that a new geopolitical situation is occurring, which is changing Bulgaria’s path and accelerating its historical-political movement, and that even now the left must establish itself as the political entity (because it is ready ideologically, politically and organizationally) taking responsibility for the management of the economy, society, nation and state. And that these drastic changes profoundly shift the social strata in order to bring forth new social classes as the bearers of the change. And that now it is important and necessary to formulate the new ideas and indicate the new goals towards which Bulgaria will go in the coming decades.

The just passed presidential elections of the USA and Bulgaria opened the eyes of some sociologists and political scientists, and they ventured to say that we are in a new situation. But they reduced their judgment to the removal of GERB from power and to predictions about the outcome of early parliamentary elections in the spring of 2017. That is, that essentially nothing much has happened and that the problem is simply who will succeed GERB to rule the country. The most radical version of the prediction is that the left will win this election.

But today’s time, which I call new, is radically different from what it was only a year or two ago, it has shown that the beginning of the end of neoliberalism as the main and winning world ideology on which the world is built has come. It stops globalization according to the neoliberal American model, restores the status of nation-states as social, independent and sovereign, existing in their civilizations and not forcibly removed from them, changes the attitude to the person and the ways of social organization. It is already visible that the socio-economic system is undergoing deep transformations affecting its very essence; these transformations undermine it and threaten to liquidate it for good.

Of course, these are trends, not distinct processes, but it is the trends that must be observed, so that we are ready later with what will be established as a shaped and prominent process.

The end of neoliberalism gives rise to the need for a new approach to the economy, production and distribution, but also for new values, modeling the present and future of Europe and the world, and together with them, Bulgaria. They can no longer be an expression and product of purely market economic relations and will not allow human life to be a commodity and social activities to be services for a fee. However distant or not entirely clear this prospect may be, it must be worked on from now on. Now is precisely the moment to construct and voice a new social project, to outline at least its main contours, to mark its main theses. Now is the time to give rise to a new phraseology and a new type of speaking, to specify the new concepts and terms, the new intonation even, through which this project will be presented, defended politically and propagandically, popularized among a wide range of society and established and the nation-states .

Since the market has been dethroned as the main value and moral-political criteria for evaluating everything, the new socio-economic will not be right-wing – that is obvious. And here we must make an important clarification. In the last twenty-five years in our country and in Europe, the left has experienced severe trials that have weakened it and cast doubt on its existence. We see that it practically has no strong and ideologically prominent political spokesman almost anywhere in Europe. European socialist and especially communist parties completely marginalized themselves and put themselves entirely at the service of capital. They had no choice and submitted to socio-political realities. This is what happened in Bulgaria as well. But the lack of an adequate and strong political spokesperson of the left does not mean that the left itself has disappeared. On the contrary, it has been alive all this time and can proudly boast that it has not died and that its time is coming again. And this applies above all to our country, which, due to its economic backwardness and terrible poverty, could not align itself with Europe. Today, this gives it the advantage of being different and easier to adapt to the new economic and political realities. In this sense, it is once again a component of that “weak link” which, in the middle of the 20th century, allowed radical socio-political and economic changes to take place on it, turning it (despite the claims of neoliberal upstarts) into an economically developed industrial state.

The Bulgarian left is in a favorable situation. She is not only alive, but rising for a new life and for her new historical role. It is necessary for its leaders to realize its purpose and readiness today to take responsibility to lead it on the right path. And right now, on the eve of the upcoming early parliamentary elections?

The leftist project calls for emphasizing the return to the sovereignty of the nation-state and limiting the power of quasi-states like the European Union. The left must make the rehabilitation of the Bulgarian national state one of its most important goals and emphasize that this type of state is one of the greatest conquests of the Bulgarian nation, achieved with the victory of the Bulgarian national liberation revolution. And that Bulgarian participation in globalization processes will be precisely through the preservation, persistence and development of this type of country. Therefore, our participation in the European Union and in any other international associations and blocs is permissible on the condition that we retain our full and inviolable sovereignty. Yes, this is a revision of our membership in the EU and NATO, but other members of these unions are already undergoing similar revisions. Our motto today should be, as the newly elected President Rumen Radev formulated it well in his election campaign, “restoring our dignity as Bulgarians”!

The formulation of the concept of a welfare state is extremely important. According to the Bulgarian constitution, the Bulgarian state is social, but these are just meaningless words without concrete meaning and even less – without real practical content. That is why Bulgaria is not social, but liberal. The welfare state is caring for its nation, and therefore no one should be deprived of health care, education, culture, remuneration that would guarantee him a certain living minimum for existence. Because neither health and education are commodities, nor can treatment and training be services for a fee. The liberal state has taken us away from this standard of living, but the left must bring it back to the people in the near future. This standard may not be so high given the state of our economy, but when the state ideology is based on the rule that the most important task of the state is to secure this standard, then it will not be repeated that it is more important to observes so-called financial stability, not human well-being. It is not the business that will take care of the people, but the state will force, through the levers at its disposal, that the business allocates more funds for this. Business and capital think only of themselves, of their own aggrandizement and prosperity, and they don’t care about people. Therefore, they must be subject to new rules and not apologize to the market or simply neglect the responsibility they have for people. The cynical talk that the market economy should be developed first, and then think about high salaries, normal pensions and money for health care, education and culture, must stop because it is false. It justifies neoliberalism but is at odds with the welfare state. Because if the goal of the state is not the well-being of its citizens, no highly developed economy, no increase in GDP will achieve it. And then the rich will get richer and the poor will get even poorer.

The need has also come to abandon the absolutization of the previous neoliberal model of fiscal policy, according to which the most important thing is to maintain it at the cost of everything – even with neglect of the constitutional formula for the welfare state, a low budget deficit at the expense of economic growth. We saw that this brought Borisov praise from Merkel, but our economy suffered significantly. Of course, the change here should not be carried out abruptly, but smoothly, so as not to produce new shocks in the economy, not to sharply increase inflation, not to create a situation in which there is money, but the market remains without goods and services.

In order to realize the gradual implementation of this project, political stability, order and peace in the country are needed. A calm propaganda-ideological atmosphere, cooperation from the media, political agreement at least with the parties standing close to the left are also necessary. It is not excluded that it will be necessary to seek an account for the actions of the rulers of recent years and especially to wage a real war against corruption. Without a well-organized judicial system ready for such actions, nothing will be achieved. This also applies to law enforcement, border guards, and the armed forces.

There is no one to do all this except the BSP. It is not only the backbone of the left, but the left itself increasingly identifies with it (this was also shown by the presidential elections). History assigns today to the BSP the historical responsibility to lead the state, society and the nation out of the hitherto disastrous neoliberal development model and return it to its natural civilizational environment and socio-economic normality. And this should be done now, after the early parliamentary elections. The time to readjust and prepare is short, but not yet over. The left is obliged to get out of its usual understanding of politics as small matters, who are its deputies and ministers, what percentage will it get in the elections, with whom will it form a coalition, how will it increase salaries and pensions, will it reduce taxes, etc. The huge responsibility and high goal requires a new consciousness, behavior and propaganda. It must now proceed to the development of this new socio-economic project that I am talking about here. It must become known to the members and sympathizers of the party, and to the whole society. If it is well made and presented in understandable language and convincingly, it will be accepted by the majority of Bulgarians and will be supported in the elections. Then the BSP will win convincingly. Let’s hope she doesn’t succumb to the momentum and starts writing “messages” to “lure” voters, and gives up on developing a new strategy for the development of Bulgaria.

History trusts whoever it deems capable of fulfilling its commands. But it does not forgive the unfit and the unwilling to justify its trust.

Therefore, let us quickly enter the new age and earn the trust of history!

#time #Lets #faster

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