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the new technique that has allowed two successful births

Recently, they have been announced two successful births of panda bears at the Madrid zoo. This fact has become possible thanks to a new fertilization technique developed by INA-CSIC experts. In addition, a series of specific and optimized cares will be implemented to promote the healthy growth of the offspring. Next, we will tell you everything we know about the innovative method to facilitate the reproduction of pandas at the Zoo Aquarium in the Spanish capital.

The hopeful birth of two baby panda bears at the Madrid zoo

The efforts of a team of researchers from the National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (INIA-CSIC) have finally been rewarded. The development of a new procedure to collect and preserve sperm from panda bears has allowed the birth of two healthy offspring.

This innovative method can be divided into two key stages. The first consists of “Select” those sperm from the male with greater fertilization capacity. And the second focuses on generating the optimal conditions to favor their survival and maintenance.

Specifically, in this first successful application, the sperm of the male Bing Xing, who has lived for years in the Madrid zoo, were kept in an optimized medium with sugars and specific additives from harvest to artificial insemination.

The need to optimize the reproduction of panda bears in captivity

Julian Santiago Moreno, one of the researchers involved in the development of this new method, explains that the reproductive cycle of pandas is very complex, especially when they live in captivity. Besides having a single heat per year, the sperm insemination margin is a few hours and must be “synchronized” with ovulation of the females.

Another delicate point that hindered the birth of new baby panda bears in the Madrid zoo was the age of the male. Bing Xing was already 21 years old and being an advanced age for his species, their sperm weakened when exposed to traditional assisted reproductive procedures.

This has led researchers to perceive the need to generate a new technique that optimizes the fertilizing capacity of their sperm. Also keeping in mind that Hua Zui Pa, the female, was about to turn 17 years old.

To increase the chances of success, the semen of the male Bing Xing has been frozen immediately after collection. And only when favorable conditions for insemination existed, have they been processed to, finally, implant in the female intrauterine route.

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