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The new status enters the alpha testing phase on Android

Author: Arif Putianto

KONTAN.CO.ID – PUBG: The new status will enter the testing phase soon Closed alpha, But still barudi Android. Game players You can try the trial phase first in the United States Closed alpha Pub: New Condition, Temporary Pre -registration iOS will follow soon.

Good news for those of you who can’t wait for new PUBG information: New State. Yes, Sports It seems that this future-themed PUBG mobile will soon please all players around the world.

Starting in the United States, Player Sam is the UK’s first PUBG: let’s try the new status with a phase test Closed alpha. For your information, PUBG: The new situation is different from PUBG mobile.

Even though it’s needed Sports It’s a bit similar because it is Type Namely similar Kingdom of War, PUBG: The new status has a more futuristic theme compared to PUBG mobile.

Also read: The PUBG Mobile Security Task Force is taking firm action against players using anti-grass hacks

Go through the testing phase Lid Alfa, PUBG: New Nation Faith Feedback From Player Before releasing to more regions in the future.

Feedback From Player They are the ones who have already tried the stage Closed alpha This will be an input to continue the development of PUBG: New State.

On the other hand, PUBG: Good news for iOS users who want to play New State. The developer immediately opened the platform Pre -registration For iOS users.

So, great User Android and iOS can do it now Pre -registration Pub: Before the new status was released.

For Player Those who do Previous restoration, Attractive gifts are also available. Pub: New State has produced gifts in the form of Skin Vehicle permanently.

Unfortunately, PUBG: No release date for the new status yet. However, once the testing phase opens up Closed alpha, PUBG: New status will be released soon.

Reporter: Arif Putiento
Author: Arif Putiento

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