Home » today » News » The new start of the Terre du Haut Var Rally in Draguignan and Canjuers still delayed

The new start of the Terre du Haut Var Rally in Draguignan and Canjuers still delayed

On the 2022 calendar of the Paca motorsport league, its new start was set for Saturday June 25 and Sunday June 26. False hope…

Canceled for the past two seasons due to the health crisis, the Terre du Haut Var, a descendant of the mythical Rallye des 1000 Pistes launched in 2019, unfortunately sees the end of the tunnel moving further away.

After the coronavirus, it is geopolitics that puts a spoke in its wheels.

“The authorities of the Canjuers military camp had turned on the green light, but the current international situation is generating too much uncertainty in our eyes”explains Rémi Tosello, the president of the league and organizer of the event. “The possibility of having to give up in extremis exists, so we prefer to refrain from taking a risk which could be expensive”.

Never two without three, therefore, for the leaders of the French dirt rally championship who will be chomping at the bit for another year, until 2023, before returning to the Dracénois podium and the tracks of Canjuers.

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