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the new rules scare families

School, as 2020-2021: the new rules for the return to class have been approved and finally there is the given for the start of lessons (Monday 14 September). For families, who in recent months have had to equip themselves with parental leave e bonus baby sitter given the closed schools, this is good news since from next September, COVID-19 permitting, their children will return to school.

However, the Ministry of Education, together with the Regions and after hearing the opinion of the Technical Scientific Committee, has foreseen some very strict rules (such as the obligation to wear a mask for children over 6), some of which could cause new inconvenience to those families where both parents work. As explained by Corriere della Sera, in fact, by a strict interpretation of the rules contained in the School Plan 2020-2021 it follows that even a simple cold could force students to stay home for a few days.

A news that frightens families, aware of the fact that very often – especially in the winter months and for younger children – it can happen to run into a cold.

No school for those with colds? What do the new rules provide?

In the document presented by the Ministry of Education containing the new rules to be respected for a safe reopening of schools there is a part that seems to prevent students from going to school for at least three days in the case of a simple cold.

In detail, here we read that:

The precondition for the presence of students and all staff at school is: the absence of respiratory symptoms or body temperature above 37.5 ° C even in the previous three days; have not been in quarantine in the past 14 days; not having been in contact with positive people in the last 14 days “.

So just in case from temperature control – that will most likely be done during school entry operations – a student should have a slight fever at 37.5 °, this will have to go home and the return to class will only be possible from 3rd day after the event.

But be careful, the document also reads of “respiratory symptoms“. This means that a simple cold, or a frequent cough, prevents going to school for at least three days. As pointed out by the Corriere della Sera, a confirmed cold on Monday could only return to class on Thursday. Parents – who know how many chances there are that their children can cool down with the arrival of the first cold winters – fear the repercussions of these provisions.

New rules for returning to class: a clarification from the Ministry of Education is needed

At the moment however it is aunofficial interpretation: given the extent that this rule could have on family management – but also on classroom activity since this also applies to teachers and school staff – it is good that the Ministry of Education, or whoever for him, clarify how serious they should be and important are the symptoms to prevent the student from going to school.

Until then we will have to stick to the literal interpretation of the provision, with all the consequences of the case.

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