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The new rise of the Center Party to the party of the strongest people

The political situation in Estonia is stagnant. The ultra-liberal government led by the Reform Party is taxing the people of Estonia heavily, during the biggest birth crisis in history, subsidies are being taken away from large families, at a time when The country’s defense capability needs to be developed quickly and efficiently, did the prime minister think it was more important to protect her husband’s business interests in Russia and even invested 400,000 euros in her husband’s businesses, provision is being made long and slow defense.

This has led us to a situation where already today we have to work hard so that it is possible to oppose the Reform Party in the 2027 Riigikogu elections and form a strong government from parties more conservative. By joining the Center Party, the ideological direction of the Center Party was rebuilt. What exactly makes the Center Party a conservative party?

First, history. The Center Party developed from the People’s Front, which largely helped restore Estonia’s independence. We have just celebrated the 35th anniversary of the Baltic chain, which was made possible thanks to the People’s Front. Therefore, there is no doubt that the original members of the party are patriotic, pro-Estonian and therefore conservative.

Coming to this day, the clear position of the Center Party that the European Union has federalized for too long and that the sovereignty of nation states must be protected is, of course, conservative. Although liberal political parties are always willing to give even more power to the European Commission and bureaucrats, I and the Center Party are strongly against it.

It is also prudent or conservative not to support the green revolution as it is now, because it will not save the world, but will make us all poorer and harm Estonia’s energy security. As the liberal political parties under the leadership of the Reform Party have decided to close the Estonian oil shale industry by 2030, as a result, we will be dependent on energy imports, of course paying A higher price for it, and we will destroy. the world’s best knowledge base on oil shale valuation.

But we cannot overcome or circumvent the security policy, especially now, when there is no expectation of a reduction in Russian aggression and the attack against Ukraine continues. Fortunately, a cross-party consensus was reached today that national defense spending must be at least three percent of GDP. But to eliminate very large protection gaps, what remains to be done by the liberal parties (read: Reform Party) must be done faster and better.

Estonia urgently needs an effective medium-range air defense, military capability, an increase in the number of conscripts and wartime personnel. In addition, there is a need to improve our coastal defense capability and the ability to operate at sea. But it costs. Unfortunately, even in the biggest security crisis, the Reform Party talks about the dogma of how we should not take loans, and we would rather spend time improving national defense, accepting let the enemy tanks stay calm until we have everything here. . Therefore, for the development of national defense, it is necessary to take a loan to fill the gaps quickly, because time is the most important factor in the security of our country.

In addition, tax policy, where the Center Party is located in the center, is tilted to the right. The Center Party does not support car taxes, further taxes on private property (e.g. a home one already owns) and certainly does not support damage to the Estonian business environment through taxes on small and medium However, it is reasonable to tax, for example, large corporations and the banking sector, where the tax burden would be bearable for example for Swedbank, but the tax income for the state budget would be very visible. This is also confirmed by the experience of Lithuania, which shows taillights for Estonia in terms of economic development.

In fact, I have heard accusations that the Center Party is a party of Russians and how can I be in the same party as Jana Toomi.

First, the Center Party has more than 12,000 people, among whom are many Estonian and Russian speakers. But the most important thing is the program of the party and the positions. Does the Central Party support the concept of a nation state? Completely. Does the Center Party believe that Russia is a threat to our security? Obviously.

Does the Main Party support the move to study in the Estonian language? Of course, but doing it right. At the moment, the reform was done only for the sake of a second, and we are in a situation where Estonian and Russian children are placed in the same class, where even the teacher does not know the Estonian language properly . So obviously every child needs to learn in the national language, but at the same time we also need to train more teachers, invest in teaching resources and make sure that children with special needs do not suffer.

Therefore, in today’s bad political situation, everything is necessary for the Center Party to become the main political party in Estonia again to ensure the survival of our country, our security, livelihood people and a thriving economy. We have to work for it. Always.

The post The new rise of the Center Party to the party of the strongest people appeared first Midweek.

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