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The new production of the opera Don Juan will take place in Buenos Aires / Day

The title role in the new production will be interpreted by the soloist of the Graz Opera Nevens Crničs and the soloists of the Latvian National Opera Rinalds Kandalincevs or Kalvis Kalniņš. In the other roles Jūlija Vasiljeva, Tatjana Trenogina, Inga Šļubovska-Kancēviča, Laura Greckas, Katrīna Paula Felsberga, Evija Martinsone, Mihails Čuļpajevs, Artjoms Safronovs, Rihards Mačanovskis, Juris Ādamsons, Rihards Millers

The creative team of the new production consists of Argentine artists – set designer and video artist Diego Siliano, costume designer Lusiana Gutmane, lighting artist Horacio Efrons – as well as Latvian choreographer Linda Mīlā and video artist Uģis Ezerietis.

Volfganga Amadeja Mocarta a librettist Lorenco da Pontes operates Don Juan was first performed at the Count Nostica National Theater in Prague on October 29, 1787. At the Latvian National Opera donut zuana the first production took place in 1921, the new production will be the fifth production of this opera by the LNOB.

Don Juan, in my opinion, is one of the best operas of the 18th century. So dramatic and at the same time comical. I have had the good fortune with Don Juan to work several times, also in the production of Andrejs Žagars in 2009. The opera is very concentrated, with a stable drama, many beautiful and popular melodies that are known all over the world. This time a special pleasure that after Mozart Figaro wedding In 2022, the director Marselo Lombardero and his team from Argentina returned to the Latvian National Opera for the successful production of 2014. According to the libretto donut zuana the action takes place in Spain, the Spanish accent will also be in this production – the events will take place in Buenos Aires. The change of location does not disturb, it gives a special smell and mood, “says Andris Veismanis, the musical director of the new production.

Opera in the hands of a creative team Don Juan has become an ironic and black comedy. Wine, lust and women are the guiding principles of Don Juan ‘s life. He has replaced romance with trophy hunting – the number of women won by Don Juan is in the thousands. Extreme means are also useful to achieve the goals – lies, deceptions and even murder, but in the end it turns out to be the way to hell.

“In our view Don Juan is a comedy, it is clearly shown by the name of its genre – playful drama. It gives us a new meaning to some of the features of this opera scene, including ironic and dark humor. Our Don Juan is not a seducer in the romantic sense, he does not seduce, but rather takes by force. He destroys everything around him, he is a predator, a modern man, a harsh archetype of the modern man. Other characters in the show represent society and its social strata. We have used virtual scenography, which allows us to create an urban scenario for the adventures of our pervert in search of his own destruction. “Modern consumerism is dictated by the power of images, corporate news and social media, so we have used this concept as our guiding principle,” says director Marselo Lombardero.

Talks before the premiere for the new production will take place on May 16 at 6.30 pm in the New Hall.

Opera Don Juan this season will also be heard on May 21, 24 and 29, as well as on June 15 and 21 at the Riga Opera Festival.

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