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the new president will be elected before the end of March

We will know by the end of March Paul Goze’s successor as President of the National Rugby League. This Wednesday, the Top 14 and ProD2 clubs gathered at their Financial General Assembly voted, for the form, a modification of the statutes allowing a postponement of the elections at the end of the 2020-2021 season due to the “exceptional context” . But this postponement will not take place.

For this modification to be adopted, it would have to be adopted at a General Assembly by the French Federation (FFR). Gold the FFR has no intention of doing so. She signified her refusal to the League two weeks ago by hiding behind legal arguments. “For reasons of delays, it was not possible to register this modification at our AGM of December 12”, justified to “South West” Serge Simon, the vice-president of the federation. “And we don’t have a GA scheduled before March 31. “

The conflicting relationships maintained by Paul Goze on one side Bernard Laporte and Serge Simon on the other, of course explain the federal lack of eagerness.

Paul Goze who had been at the head of the League since 2012 and had considered running for a third term, will have to give up his post of president this winter while professional rugby is going through a very turbulent period due to the pandemic but also to the antagonism between the institutions.

No candidate for his succession has officially declared himself. Alain Tingaud, its vice-president, who worked this summer on a project for the LNR, is no longer certain to present himself. “I’m thinking,” he said. “I don’t like the current state of mind too much. We create dissension. There are developments to put in place in the League. I am afraid that we will remain in conformity. “

Behind the scenes of the League, a trend is emerging to support the candidacy of Pierre-Yves Revol, (62 years old). A member of the management committee, the president of Castres already held this role between 2008 and 2012. We know that he was not particularly enthusiastic at the prospect of returning to these functions. But he could be convinced with around him a tight team of presidents and the objective of achieving peaceful relations with the FFR in view of the 2023 World Cup.

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