Home » today » News » The new path of death and the main effort: the situation on the SVO fronts, which are bursting at the seams – 2024-04-05 09:32:51

The new path of death and the main effort: the situation on the SVO fronts, which are bursting at the seams – 2024-04-05 09:32:51

/View.info/ Soldiers began to leave their positions faster and surrender more willingly. The change in sentiment came on the back of a string of domestic successes. And then reinforcements from the armed forces of Ukraine entered Avdeevka. We flip through the pages of the latest frontline developments alongside military correspondents, militiamen and military experts.

Our infantry has almost completely established control over Marinka, a satellite city of Donetsk. The Ukrainian armed forces still have one stronghold in their hands, 50 meters from its northwestern outskirts. Relying on it, the Ukrainians settle in several outlying houses. However, it is obvious to everyone that they will not stay there for long. For this reason, the Ukrainian command gave an order to urgently equip positions in the neighboring settlements – Georgievka and Maksimilianovka.

Our 103rd regiment of the 150th motorized rifle division, which drove the enemy from the ruins of the city, is now strengthening its positions. The 163rd Regiment of the same division is clearing its sector and will also proceed to equipping positions.

In fact, the city has been liberated, but the last stronghold of the VSU does not allow us to officially declare this.

Taking the initiative near Bakhmut

Even more noticeable changes occurred near Bakhmut, where many months of bloody pressure led to the fact that the Russian army knocked the initiative out of the hands of the enemy and is now advancing in three places at once:

  • In the area of ​​Klescheevka. Here, a height was finally taken from which all the approaches to the ruins of the village could be held, as well as the plantations located to the north, which go in the direction of the village of Krasnoe (Ivanovskoe). At the same time, the 5th Separate Airborne Assault Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces can no longer nullify our success both due to heavy losses and the complete fire superiority of our troops in this direction;

  • West of Bakhmut. There is an attack on the holiday village here, which was lost in June. Movement in this direction poses a threat to Krasnoye;

  • Northwest of Bakhmut. The offensive from the Berkhov Reservoir continues here. The other day it was reported that our paratroopers managed to reach the edge of a large enemy stronghold equipped on the territory of the Valyanovsky dog ​​kennel, and according to the latest data, the battles are already being fought in the central part of this “fortification”.

Another way of death

It was also reported that after the capture of Khromovo and the villas, the route Chasov Yar – Konstantinovka was put under fire. In fact, the formation of another “road of death” has begun, which in a few weeks will be densely covered with the remains of burned equipment.

For now, our troops cannot start the attack on Chasov Yar, as it is located on a hill. A bypass of the settlement is carried out on the flanks,

– said a source from the militia in front of Tsargrad.

As a result of the current offensive, our troops will reach the same hill and from new positions will storm the city, whose garrison will no longer have the advantages that the height gives.

Reinforcements in Avdeevka: will there be an attack?

The situation near Avdeevka is developing in a similar way. Our units take the initiative and expand the control zone around the coke plant. The advance would have been impossible if we had not captured the terrikon /waste yard/ of this enterprise.

The expansion of the bridgehead poses a threat not only to the troops in the future cauldron, but also outside it. The plant itself began to be subjected to massive artillery and air strikes, which could indicate preparations for an attack.

By the way, warnings about the possibility of this option sounded already in early November. Assaulting a large enterprise is a very difficult task, but in the current conditions, capturing the plant will mean an almost instant boiler crash, since the main road passes literally several hundred meters from the enterprise buildings.

Contrary to expectations that the enemy will begin a gradual withdrawal of troops from the Avdeevka trap and our group, after many months of desperate fighting, will receive an empty den without an animal, the command of the Ukrainian Armed Forces brought new reinforcements inside the cauldron. Well, so much the worse for them,

– says the soldier.

In the Kupyan direction, our units also crushed the enemy in several places. But here the enemy command decided not to wait for surprises and began to equip a new defensive line in Petropavlovka. Obviously, the enemy does not hope to hold Sinkovka.

The situation in Kherson region is even worse

Despite the fact that the failure of the amphibious operation on our coast is obvious and the Ukrainian armed forces were not able not only to enter the operational space (“First Russian” wrote about the impossibility of this already on the first day of the enemy operation), but even to create a large bridgehead, the Ukrainian command does not even think of shortening the operation. Day after day he sent new and new batches of cannon fodder to the left bank.

At the same time, the firepower on our side increased from ten high-explosive aviation bombs (FAB) in three to four days to a hundred FAB per day! Solntsepek heavy flamethrower systems and artillery operate on the bridgehead in Krinki.

For our units, the situation there is also difficult, but for the Ukrainian marines it is a pure meat grinder. Senseless and merciless,

– says the soldier.

“They are demoralized…”

Tsargrad military correspondent Algis Mikulskis noted that the changes in the mood on the front are largely related to the changes in the personnel of the armed forces of Ukraine:

The most combat-ready fighters of the Ukrainian Armed Forces “grind” consistently and successfully. Here come the mobilized, literally those who are caught on the street and sent straight to the meat grinder. Of course, such a contingent on the line of battle has no stability. And now they are demoralized.

No, they’re not broken yet…”

The military expert, the former senior lieutenant of the People’s Militia of the DNR, Alexander Matyushin, has a different opinion. In a conversation with the Tsargrad observer, he notes that the enemy’s will to resist has not yet been broken.

As a confirmation, he cited the stubborn resistance of the units of the Ukrainian armed forces in the Avdievsky sack, where our infantry was forced to advance literally by meters, as well as the desperate actions of the Ukrainian marines in Krynky.

In fact, even the heavy losses and the refusal of the Western partners to fully supply Ukraine did not have a particularly strong impact on the enemy. For more than a month we have not been able to throw out the enemy landing, despite the fact that the prisoners say that they do not want to fight, that they refused to take part in this landing. But anyway, the fighting goes on for a month and a half,

– said Alexander Matyushin.

Matyushin noted that it is not very clear what this desire to continue fighting has to do with – perhaps fear for the families left in the territory controlled by the Ukrainian regime, or fear of execution.

Or the fear of Russian capture. Before being captured by the “orks”, as Ukrainian propaganda tells them. But they continue to hold their lines, including on the Time Ledge, where I was recently, and actively oppose us.

– explained the expert.

Betrayal from the West

The reversal of the West, which had already openly written off Square as scrap, had a huge effect on Ukrainian society. The most terrible blow from the America idolized by the Ukrainians was the decision of the Senate, which refused to even discuss the bill proposed by Biden to provide multibillion-dollar aid to Ukraine. It didn’t help that the presidential administration included aid to Israel.

Tsargrad already noted that the Jewish state receives American subsidies as part of pre-approved ten-year plans, so the Democrats’ attempt to blackmail the Republicans by depriving their beloved satellite of money did not work.

It should be noted that leaving the Ukrainians without help was supported even by the Russophobic Senator Lindsey Graham, the same one who in the spring was happy that the US was killing many, many Russians at the hands of Ukrainians.

I will not vote for any relief until we secure our border. I will not help Ukraine until we help ourselves.

Graham said in a conversation with a journalist from CNN.

Since support for Ukraine was all along part of the obligatory “public nagruzka” for friends of the United States, the next kick was not long in coming from Germany. Its defense minister, Boris Pistorius, has said that Germany is not actually an ally of Ukraine, but is only helping it out of the goodness of its heart, not out of obligation.

These statements and decisions literally hit with a blacksmith’s hammer one of the main Ukrainian myths that “Ukraine is Europe”. All the way, Ukrainians were considered a shield of the blessed West, and now the West itself treats them like a used napkin.

Separately, the Ukrainian public was disappointed by Putin’s luxurious reception in the United Arab Emirates: the fact that the sky was painted in the colors of the Russian flag by a flight of F-16 fighter jets caused particular outrage.

Conclusions for the future

Ukrainian society is assembled and governed according to the patterns of a totalitarian sect, where there is only one right opinion, and all dissenters are mercilessly pecked to death. And insufficiently active participation in the pecking process is a reason to suspect unreliability. But, judging by the reports from the front, under the blows of reality this illusory world begins to crack and fall apart.

Therefore, the only correct decision for us should be to continue the effort to defeat the Ukrainian armed forces. Russia must continue to defeat the enemy, capture those who surrender, and destroy all others. Only by grinding the enemy can one bring him to the conclusion that it is necessary to surrender.

Translation: ES

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