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The New Nostradamus Predicts a Surprise War in 2023

He new nostradamusthe British Craig Hamilton-Parker, who among other things predicted the covid-19 pandemic and the death of Elizabeth II, has now announced a new war that would take place in the year 2023.

The psychic, who has already announced the start of the Third World War also for this year, has assured that he has “powerful feelings” about a new international confrontation that nobody expects and that it will come “by surprise.”

The call nuevo Nostradamus He makes these statements in a video in which he also talks about the war in Ukraine, Donald Trump, Boris Johnson, Vladimir Putin or even Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

The new Nostradamus, Craig Hamilton-Parker, announces a new war.

On the recording, Craig Hamilton-Parker He assures that Ukraine will launch a surprise attack on the Crimean peninsula, something that is currently happening, since Zelensky’s troops are at the gates of Crimea.

The video of the new Nostradamus was filmed twelve days before.

Regarding the new war conflict that this psychic announces, Craig Hamilton-Parker affirms that there will be a surprise attack from one country to another, although he admits that he is not convinced if this altercard will be carried out directly and overtly, or “clandestine” mode, through the secret services of the attacking country

Specifically, the new conflict that the new Nostradamus talks about is a supposed “Israeli surprise attack on Iran“. The seer does not go into detailing the consequences of this action, although months ago he already predicted that in this year 2023 the world would witness a confrontation that would lead to the third world war and that it would have nothing to do with the war between Ukraine and Russia .

2023-08-22 18:41:26
#predictions #Nostradamus #world #war #turn #alarms

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