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The New Mutants: The director confirms a link with the X-Men films

When we never thought we would see the movie The New Mutants arriving on the big screen, two weeks ago Disney unveiled the first scary images of the feature film directed by Josh Boone. Since then, a lot of information about the timeline and their connection to the MCU, after Disney has cast doubt, kept coming. If these new mutants will not evolve in the MCU, unlike the X-Men, programmed in the next Phases since the takeover of Fox by Disney, the director Josh Boone has still confirmed a link with these characters and the Professor X recruits. During a filming visit a few years ago and before the film underwent numerous reshoots, the filmmaker had confided that his feature film was “obviously an X-Men movie”.

Official poster of the New Mutants.

Nevertheless, the latter still tempered his remarks by admitting: “I am sure that in the future these worlds will connect with each other, but these films must also be considered for themselves.” This echoes the words of the producer, Karen Rosenfelt for whom the film represented a creation in its own right when she was asked about the timeline of New Mutants in the X-Men universe. Therefore, if the latter appears as a film linked to the universe of the X-Force, the fact remains that the production teams insist that the spin-off is above all an independent work. Indeed, Josh Boone recently clarified wanting to give “a different tone and aestheticism” as he compared his film to Dark Phoenix, latest production from the X-Men universe. That said, we must not forget that these comments were collected before the slowdown of the project, Disney and Marvel studios, having been able to curb certain wishes of the director. So let’s hope that the final version has not been distorted! Answer on April 1st.

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