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the new measures in Antwerp are a “necessity”. Antwerp residents between reason and disappointment

While there is a resurgence of the epidemic across the country, the province of Antwerp is particularly affected with nearly half of the cases. Faced with this concentration of cases, the governor of Antwerp has decided to impose new measures such as a curfew at 11:30 p.m. and the wearing of a compulsory mask in the street. At the start of the curfew, the catering industry will also have to close its borders.

This curfew was to come into effect on Tuesday at 11:30 p.m. and last until 6 a.m. but for lack of a legal basis, it cannot be applied as of today.

Among the population, these announcements are understood to a large extent, even if this somewhat affects the morale of some.

Mandatory mask wearing

As of Tuesday, the wearing of the mask seemed generalized in the streets of the Metropolis. Wearing a mask is compulsory everywhere in public spaces. “It’s for the safety of people, mine and that of others. I find that although it is now an obligation to wear the mask outside”, pleads Franck, an Antwerp resident, leather jacket and mask aimed at the nose.

For Gilberte, too, the time has come for understanding. “The numbers are on the rise, even if it is not specifically in this neighborhood. But the virus can come here, the stores are open and the risks are there”. So be careful for many inhabitants.

Curfew and generational conflict

One of the measures that poses a little more problem is the notion of curfew that the governor of the province of Antwerp wishes to impose, between 11:30 p.m. and 6 a.m. The goal ? Avoid gatherings, especially at the exit of catering establishments.

And if some Antwerpers understand this measure, for the youngest it is a bit like the death of the soul that we accept. “I often see young people after 11pm, they have fun, they drink and it’s good, but not now,” said Willy. “For us young people”, explains Anna, “We will no longer be able to go out to restaurants, go out at night, stay in a cafe, or even go outside to chat. It’s a shame”.

And for the Horeca sector it is a new blow. “For the Antwerp hotel and catering industry, it’s completely ruined. For all of us, all the colleagues here, we can no longer place orders. We see from day to day and it’s very complicated.”

“Indispensable” measures

Despite everything, the epidemiological situation imposes these measures on the city of Antwerp, which concentrates nearly half of the new cases in Belgium. For the virologist Emmanuel André, things do not go far enough and measures will have to be taken to enforce these new rules.

For the virologist, it is absolutely necessary to reduce the mobility of Antwerp residents. What is lacking in the measures proposed today by the city of Antwerp is the reduction in the mobility of people. If there is a particular situation in a particular area of ​​our country at a particular time, it is necessary to know how to take measures, but also to avoid mixing up between low-risk areas and high-risk areas. In our lockdown as we defined it during the first wave, there was a reduction in mobility. We could go shopping in his town. This is what is missing today. People who want to go party somewhere can always drive and go to the neighboring province. These measures endanger the provinces of Flanders “.

And to add, “but in Antwerp, we need special care until we get the situation under control. Today it is not and special measures are needed to limit the situation. possibility of the virus to escape from this area “.

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