Home » today » Entertainment » The New Master in Creation of Entertainment Programs: A Collaboration Between Nebrija University and Boomerang TV

The New Master in Creation of Entertainment Programs: A Collaboration Between Nebrija University and Boomerang TV

The new Master in Creation of Entertainment Programs of the Nebrija Universitythe result of an academic collaboration agreement with Boomerang TVaddresses all areas involved in the creation and production of entertainment programs.

Latest Master’s degree from Nebrija University y Boomerang TV It is designed for students who want to enter the entertainment industry either as directors, producers, scriptwriters, project editors, or from other jobs for program development (editors, filmmakers, art directors, technical and/or creative professionals, format analysts, casting directors, operators Of camera…). The training program is committed to transversalitygiven that they will address different formats ranging from large talent shows to true crime, including dating shows, audio entertainment or documentaries. According to Jorge Pezzi, CEO of Boomerang TV: “It is a postgraduate eminently practical and it prepares the student to have a 360 degree vision of how the television entertainment area works today”. This practical approach to training is aligned with the Learning by Doing philosophy of the Faculty of Communication and Arts of Nebrija University.

The Master in Creation of Entertainment Programs will be taught by a faculty made up of renowned professionals in the entertainment industry, among which are prominent Boomerang TV professionals such as Encarna Pardo, Executive Director of Boomerang TV Entertainment and executive producer of programs such as La Voz, La Voz Kids, Peking Express, among many others. These experts will provide the subjects with a professional character and will contribute to energize the different extra-curricular activities of the Master.

The agreement between both entities also includes the possibility for postgraduate students to carry out professional practices in the entertainment projects of Boomerang TV, something that, in the words of Nicolás Grijalba, director of the Department of Communication at the University of Nebrija, “will be a unique opportunity for our students to learn directly about the day-to-day life of professionals in the entertainment”.

On behalf of Nebrija University, the rector, Jose Muniz; the director of the Nebrija Foundation, Gregorio Martínez; the vice dean of the Faculty of Communication and Arts (FCA), Marta Saavedra, and the director of the Department of Communication, Nicolás Grijalba. Boomerang TV was represented by its CEO, Jorge Pezziwho is also a former student at Nebrija University, and Rosaura Díez, director of communication for the production company.

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2023-06-30 08:44:52
#University #Nebrija #Boomerang #promote #Masters #Degree #Creation #Entertainment #Programs

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