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The new Lisbon is marching through the environment. ″ Courage ″ or ″ messed up ″?

Freedom completed just over a decade when another revolution broke out in Lisbon. In 1986, Rua Augusta, the capital’s noble commerce corridor, was cut off to traffic. A chorus of protests was joined, according to those who remember, and the death of Baixa was announced. Without cars, Carmo and Trindade would fall, and commerce would follow.

“Today, nobody imagines Rua Augusta with cars. The changes do not scare us, we have to notice them”, points out Vasco Morgado, president of the Santo António Parish Council, one of the three parishes covered by the new reduced emissions zone ( ZER), the plan of the City Council of Lisbon (CML) to reduce the circulation of cars in the downtown of the capital and thus increase the air quality. For now, what the project leaves in the air are doubts.

“If it is implemented as it stands, I foresee some problems. On the one hand, I think it protects the residents, but the limited parking of visitors is not perceived. On the traders’ side, the big issue is the loading and unloading, which today is a huge problem. in this area of ​​the city “, stresses Vasco Morgado.

If ending up with the vans parked on the sidewalks during rush hour is urgent, says the mayor, it is also important to ensure “the rest of the few residents who resist” in Baixa. The project foresees that the loading and unloading is done at dawn, between 00.00 and 06.30.

“Who is going to be in the stores to receive orders at these hours,” asks Fernanda Igrejas, a businesswoman at Rua do Ouro for 30 years and a member of the governing bodies of the Baixa Pombalina Dynamization Association. The organization, with around 200 members, including stores and services, met this week to discuss Fernando Medina’s plan, and write a list of questions and suggestions to address to the municipality.

“We are in agreement with the objective underlying the plan. But I do not agree with the way it will be carried out, nor with the speed with which the project will be put into practice. In the early days it will be painful for trade, there are too many restrictions” , says the owner of number 157 of Rua do Ouro, one of the arteries inserted in ZER. As of June, only public transport and authorized cars, such as residents and emergency vehicles, will be able to cross Rua Áurea, which will also gain a bicycle path.

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