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The new janissaries – View Info – 2024-09-16 05:13:51

/ world today news/ Where are the grocers-sociologists now to conduct a survey, how do Bulgarians evaluate Kristalina Georgieva’s disgraceful escape from the European Commission – and what trust do they have in her?

When they had to bring her to the UN, they immediately served the obviously false results, according to which she was the most trusted among Bulgarian politicians.
She, who has no relation to the Bulgarian paradise – just like the consumption commissioner Kuneva had.
They put her first, even before the Padishaha.
But now they last.
All is forgotten, mind your own business, fools.

Text to photos:
Devotion and joy near Him /on the left/;
Kristalina and Soros – behind them peeps the Apostle, satisfied: Everything is fine with the pure and holy republic.

For several days, they picked up on the details of this affair – for example, what compensation Kristalina would receive.
This is how things work in the civilized world: you slam the door on the surah of the country that made you a European commissioner – and you get a million and something.
Maybe because you were punished for representing wild Bulgaria.

Boyko, like everyone else, was apparently also surprised.
After the initial confusion, he tried to say that it was probably his involvement in the betrayal – he knew about Kristalina’s barter, he talked to someone, he had a whole series of candidates for her place – all that kind of thing.
Although, in fact, the biggest victim is himself.
But he could not find any witty rant about the escape of the commissioner, who embarrassed herself by testifying against Bokova, and, in fact, against Bulgaria.
The country that behaves like a poor Sheep to please the games of the Wolves.

But that’s not the most important thing.
Once again, what is our Tribulation remained hidden: Bulgaria being ruled behind the scenes by janissaries.
In this case, we were just watching another displacement of one of them.
The prime minister, whoever he is, has the sweet role of a puppet – directed, sometimes blackmailed, by the Janissaries.

The infamous privatization speculator Prokopiev had appointed several ministers in Boyko’s cabinet.
And who gave him the foreign ministers Nikolay Mladenov and Daniel Mitov, the latter he had hardly even heard of?
Some kind of trippy boy fit for a Police Academy-style comedy film – and, here he is, a Foreign Secretary.
The Janissary Mladenov was initially suggested to Boyko as Minister of War, but they were ashamed and quickly dismissed him from there, because he had not even served as a soldier – and sent him to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
What about the Janissary Dyankov?
He turned out to be a tenant of the same Prokopiev.
Janissaries go around with the label of “civilizers”, but they don’t bother about these things.

The characters listed are for the showcase – and they always receive the most generous compensation.
You know how Mladenov cares about peace in the Middle East.
Mitov has already been marketed for an important post.
Showcase janissaries are not the most insidious.
They must, however, observe some decency.
But the others – the hidden political DJs are the most poisonous, such as Ivan Krastev and the others.
And their dirty game has been going on for decades.

General Goodman from the CIA told in “Every Sunday” how the affair with the “Bulgarian Track” in the attempt against the Pope was masterminded by a Bulgarian – not only by the odious Dimi Panitsa, there was another one as well.
And he was so persistent that the CIA got disgusted and sent him away.
And now there are similar detractors.

The new Janissary should be specially studied.
If at the time the Turks did not select particularly well – the important thing was that the child was healthy, the current Bulgarian janissaries must definitely come from well-protected communist families.
These must be pansexual types – moreover, willing to have sex even with themselves.

The Janissaries have always despised and will continue to despise Boyko.
For example – they think he doesn’t know languages, that’s the least.
Now they pretend to despise Zhivkov as well, even though they are from families of his dependents.
Zhivkov only knew a little bit of Russian, but he managed to outwit the old men from the Kremlin for a long time.
And to build – as much as now and in a hundred years we will not succeed. I am quoting Boyko – he said it, not me.

Some time ago, Krastev, who lives as a Moderator of world problems, allegedly complained that the “right-wing” should finally somehow accept Boyko.
And then he himself led him into the most vile trap – disgrace in the UN.
Such are these types, but Boyko never gathered the courage to run away from them.
They are crafty masters – they laugh at him behind his back and set traps for him.

Plevneliev, our astrologer-hero from the German “parkings”, later joined this litter, but showed an enviable acceleration in learning the janissary numbers.
And he bears as a birthmark the stamp of the “right faith” – though he must have already covered it with a tattoo of the Statue of Liberty.

In those days, Deutsche Welle said that Plevneliev was a “charismatic president”.
This is how they talk about our Bulgarian affairs from abroad – with complete contempt for the truth.
Plevneliev is just as charismatic as a sunflower.

You’d have to be a total idiot to say something like that.
This is a mockery of the Bulgarian public.
And “Deutsche Welle” passes for serious media.
What a “charismatic” is this comic guy who squirms wildly even when he has to write the word “respectable”.

And he continues to persistently repeat that he was the first president who himself refused a second term.
Isn’t such a statement crazy?
Nobody wants him, starting with his former Guardian Boyko – who will then make him president?
Is it Procopius?
Maybe – if the elections are something like Kostov’s bandit privatization.
But even the Bulgarian elections cannot bear such a robbery.

Because of these features of Plevneliev, Tsetska now seems very comfortable for Boyko.
His appearance, together with her, on television /BTV, with Svetoslav Ivanov/ was rather unusual.
And Boyko does not like to share the show in which he participates, even with its host.
Outwardly judged, his intention was to cut off a thick slice of his own “charisma” and feed it to Tsetska.
However, does this already work – and for Tsetska?
It’s not certain.
Why did you do it then?

This is not to publicly smell an anonymous person like Plevneliev – “a donkey”, as Boyko put it recently, when he claimed that even if he named this poor animal, he would still be elected.
Of course, the donkey in question already claims that he achieved everything on his own – but that is a matter of mental conditioning.

However, now the case is completely different – everyone knows Tsetska.
And something especially important: her publicity, her familiarity can in no way compensate for her ordinariness.
Valerie Trierweiler’s words about her former friend President Francois Hollande are very appropriate for her: “Abnormally ordinary.”

Boyko may like her very much – he likes all the Tsetskis – but the question is, is there a possibility within this ordinariness for her to cope with the role of “head of state”.
Tsetska was very well realized – according to Boyko and Tsvetanov, because she is the Speaker of the Parliament twice.
It’s as if they both forgot that she entered there in a wheelchair, pushed by Boyko – and from there they threw her into the chairman’s chair.
But how will he deal with the fateful Bulgarian problems?
The carelessness with which they treat this matter is downright startling.

And most importantly: will she be another victim of the janissaries?
This time, Boyko seems to be doing better than with Plevneliev.
Because there is practically no one behind Tsetska, except her husband and the leadership of the Air Traffic, which is not bad – if she gets into some scam, it will be with the air.
This does not mean that Boyko may be completely sure of Tsetska – but, after all, she seems quite ordinary, meek and even naive.
There are no hidden guardians – outside Boyko.
It is tame for now.

In the same interview, Boyko shared: “Tsetska Tsacheva is the most independent person in GERB. We’ve been together, but I’ve never had to give her directions, tell her what to do.”
Then he said that “Mrs. Tsacheva is above him and has never called to ask about the agenda, about laws.”
Tsetska must have looked at him like he was mad.
But she’d better remember those words, they should be her Bible if they choose her—and of course do just the opposite.

For some time now, Boyko has entered a mode of systematic banter, and it is not entirely clear what he is telling us.
But he threw in some crumb – and suddenly it became clear that the “nice, unobtrusive boy” Plevneliev is an egoist.
Then he says that Plevneliev was a good president, and then corrects himself that he was a bigot who confused our relations with Russia.
Which is true?
And, by the way, if we were a serious country, the public would already know who failed South Stream.
Was this some kind of geopolitical drama – or rather, the result of the creeping of our idiots, with Plevneliev as the main speaker?

These people, above all else, are illiterate and illiterate, they know nothing about the Russian political mentality, they do not know to what extremes it can go, to what vindictiveness if provoked.
Two meaningless words against Putin from some stinking mouth of ours can erase an entire project.
Boyko let Plevneliev exercise his provincial Russophobia for five years and did not intervene.
It is almost certain that Tsetska will not throw herself out like that – after all, she has looked enough at the Panorama in Pleven, dedicated to the Russo-Turkish war.

Boyko put up with Plevneliev’s political philandering, and finally he got infected with this disease too: he is almost happy that he talked on the phone with Putin – and then he wants to continue the sanctions against Russia. Plevneliev’s behavior seemed, above all else, to be clingy.

Boyko is no one’s janissary – except for himself.
But when he gets mixed up between devious types, he starts behaving like them too – but at whose expense?

Either way, let Plevneliev drool.
And no one did a simple calculation, what, for example, our tourism lost from this.
He won’t do it either, because our kebap chefs are dupedavci too, they don’t dare to say a word in a crooked way.
They will go bankrupt, but they will be silent – and they will write the accounts of the Bulgarians.
And that’s why our people fled to Greece – why let our kebab shops lie to them.
They have always been such rats – ready for anything, just to have the drawer hit them in the stomach.

We welcomed another Wakers’ Day with another disgrace – a demonstration by BAS scientists.
The government should sink to the ground in shame because of the humiliations it is subjecting these worthy people to.
The charismatic Plevneliev, however, calmly observed the genocide over the BAS.

Interestingly, according to Deutsche Welle, how many lies should there be in one dose of charisma?
Because the first lie of the charismatic Plevneliev, immediately after his election/Nomination, was that he would provide an additional 14 million BGN for the BAS.
He did not provide even 14 cents.
All his stories were like that.
This disgrace with the BAS should be talked about all the time – but our politicians tread calmly in it.

Plevneliev was the culmination of not only the Accidental, but also the Fantasy experience of politics.
How will they vaccinate Tsetska against this?

Some time ago, Plevneliev had stated that we will not only catch the assassins from Sarafovo and their inspirers, but we will also name them in the UN.
This wildness is not worth 14 cents.
There is a huge distance from BAS to the UN – but the same stupidity keeps rolling there.

/weekend newspaper/


The new janissaries – View Info
 – 2024-09-16 05:13:51

#janissaries #View #Info

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