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the new health rules related to Covid-19

The Covid-19 pandemic will have taken the world by surprise in 2020. But as the third anniversary of the first generalized confinements of the population approaches, the rules will change in France. In particular because the virus, although still present and under surveillance in France, is considered less dangerous.

Covid-19 work stoppage: the return of the waiting day

In order to limit the transmission of the virus in the workplace as much as possible, and to encourage people with mild symptoms or no symptoms at all, to isolate themselves, the “waiting day” had been abolished. Patients could therefore receive their full salary, unlike what is done for other illnesses. It’s over.

The 1is February 2023, no more “derogatory work stoppages”, i.e. without a waiting day, will be issued. A measure announced… but expected at the end of 2023. In order to save Social Security, it is therefore anticipated by the executive.

And, moreover, obtaining a work stoppage online, on the Health Insurance site, following a positive test, will become impossible. It will therefore be necessary to go through the “doctor” box.

End of work stoppages without a waiting day

Patients will no longer have to isolate themselves

Another change: the isolation of positive people will no longer be compulsory in France. ” Systematic isolation for people who test positive for Covid-19 and carrying out a screening test on the second day of notification of contact status for asymptomatic contact people will no longer be required “, writes the Ministry of Health in a note obtained by BFM TV. However, for those who can, these recommendations remain valid, especially to protect vulnerable people.

Finally, the number of confirmed cases is likely to fall because laboratories will no longer have the obligation to report positive tests. You will need the patient’s consent to do so. In any case, the SI-DEP system, which allowed the monitoring of the pandemic, will disappear in June 2023.

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After his Master of Philosophy, Paolo Garoscio turned to communication and journalism. He joined the EconomieMatin team in 2013.

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