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The new exhibition will feature paintings by Maija Tabaka for 30 years

From June 16 to July 1, the exhibition “Sunny Day” by the painter Maija Nora Tabaka, who received the zero “Purvītis Award” for her lifetime contribution, can be seen in the “Daugava” gallery.

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The exhibition features five works by Maija Tabaka painted around 1992, they were on display in a large-scale solo exhibition at the National Museum of Art in 1992. They were once bought by an art collector and taken to Canada. Not long ago, art patron and collector Jānis Zuzāns informed Maija Tabaka that she had managed to buy back the works from a well-known lady and bring them to Latvia.

The painter has praised the collector’s actions, she has always experienced that some of the best works are scattered around the world and she doesn’t even know where they are.

“Maija Tabaka has a story about each of the works that have come home, they live in her imagination. , “Aizejošais” (1989) are works that we describe as “Tobacco Theater” when describing Maija Tobacco’s paintings. .

The second part of the exhibition consists of Maija Tabaka’s latest works.

The name of the exhibition could be “Holiday”, “Joy Day”, etc. The exhibition with the most positive charge of emotion for the joy of the spectators and the joy of the painter Maija Nora Tabaka (1939) – this is what the representatives of the gallery write about the exhibition.

“The artist has just been awarded the Purvītis Prize for her lifetime contribution to art. For a long time, the brushes were set aside, the colors on the palette withered after the announcement of the award, Maija Tabaka sat at the easel and painted, announcing that he was feeling unusually good. There is no reason to doubt what she said, because in a short time three small figural works were made. Commenting on the painting process itself, that feeling what it means to paint for her is a clear example of what recognition means to the artist, an evaluation of his performance, “say the creators of the exhibition.

With this exhibition, the gallery resumes receiving visitors.

Maija Tabaka has been one of the most famous Latvian painters for several decades. During her career, the artist has received many awards, she has had solo exhibitions not only in Latvia, but also in several other countries around the world. Tobacco is considered to be one of Latvia’s most notable contemporary painters. Her works can be found in several world-famous art galleries.

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