Home » today » Business » The new electric car runs “in the sun”. The creators of the Sion model want to change the world of transport – ČT24 – Czech Television

The new electric car runs “in the sun”. The creators of the Sion model want to change the world of transport – ČT24 – Czech Television

For the time being, the prototype may only run on the premises of the Sono company. When its founders began working on it, they had a great goal; they wanted to change the situation in transport and open the way to a world without fossil fuels.

In the beginning, there was an old car, which friends from school rebuilt with their own hands from the ground up, convinced that they could make an electric car available to almost everyone, who would also not suffer from a lack of charging stations.

The roof, sides and hood charge

The acceleration of the Sion is as impressive as most electric cars. But what’s important is on the screen, which shows how fast the car’s battery charges – while driving.

The roof, sides and hood of the car are covered with patented solar panels, which the company has been developing for five years. Product manager Max Flicker described that the car is both very light and very durable.

Purely on solar panels, a car can travel about five thousand kilometers a year, which is about a third of what the average German driver drives every year.

The shape of the headlight was helped to design by future customers. Those who ordered it and made a financial deposit have the right to vote on the development of the model. To date, over fourteen such customers have gathered.

The car’s unique features include Icelandic moss, which filters the air in the interior. Even with him, the family car will be sold for about 650 thousand crowns. Zion will be in one gear only.

The first cars from the former factory of the bankrupt carmaker Saab are to reach customers in 2023. And its creators admit that the most risky step awaits them: from development to mass production.

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