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The new behaviors of online players studied by Facebook

Facebook unveils its annual report deciphering the mobile video game industry since the start of the pandemic. The results reveal new consumer behaviors in this industry. The number of people playing mobile games has increased dramatically around the world.
In the United States, for example, 28 million new players have been registered since last March. New players appear to be more open to playing online with loved ones and more inclined to spend more hours per week online than existing players before the Covid. In all of the countries covered by the study, new gamers spend more money directly on mobile games than other gamers. Generally speaking, players are also open to in-app purchases. When choosing a game, pre-knowledge of it becomes increasingly important to discovering mobile games, with almost a quarter of people saying they have tried games they have never heard of. .

13,246 people surveyed in July 2020 (except Brazil where data was collected in October 2020). Countries studied: United States, United Kingdom, Canada, France, Germany, South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Brazil.

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