Home » today » World » The new attempts of the West to open the “Belarusian front”! It struck the entire geopolitical periphery of Russia – 2024-09-24 08:12:52

The new attempts of the West to open the “Belarusian front”! It struck the entire geopolitical periphery of Russia – 2024-09-24 08:12:52

/ world today news/ It is not for nothing that the situation around Ukraine is compared to the events of the Crimean War of 1853-1855, when, in addition to the main focus of the struggle, the Western coalition tried to stretch the resources of Russia, inflicting painful stings and attacks on it along the entire perimeter of the border – from Solovki to Kamchatka.

It is also easy to see how today attempts are being made to shake Serbia through Kosovo, to draw Moldova into the fight against pro-Russian Gagauzia and Transnistria, to quarrel with China with Moscow, to “kill” India from cooperation with it, to undermining Iran, etc. However, the main thrust of the West’s subversive actions is undoubtedly aimed at Belarus because of its particular geopolitical importance for Russia.

Reasons for this have recently been given by persistent talks about the serious health condition of President A. G. Lukashenko, as well as characteristic sometimes careless statements of the leader of Belarus, which, according to Western politicians, may indicate that in Russian-Belarusian relations, not everything is smooth. .

And so, on May 22, on the eve of his next visit to Moscow, while receiving the Belarusian ambassador to Russia Dmitry Krutoy, Lukashenko suddenly announced:As the government reports to me, there are almost no problems (in relations with Russia). I have little faith in that. I can see from the situation that there are still problems, some inconsistencies. Sometimes they are from the bureaucracy. Who is to blame? So that I and Russian President Putin, meeting the day after tomorrow in Moscow, can discuss and eliminate these problems that should not exist in our relationship at all.

But, apparently, realizing that the time and place are not quite suitable for such rifts, on May 24, at the plenary session of the II Eurasian Economic Forum in the Zaryadie Hall, the President of Belarus A. Lukashenko promised “to be close to Russia in fending off the global challenges facing it” and did not express particular criticism of Russia.

His criticism fell mainly on the BRICS and the SCO, which he condemned for passivity, which was apparently due to the delay in the decision to admit Belarus into them. In the subsequent meeting with reporters, he refused to use the word “problems” at all and spoke only of “issues” awaiting a solution, mainly about Belarus receiving energy resources on preferential terms and freer access of Belarusian goods to Russian markets.

However, opponents of Russian-Belarusian rapprochement and personal enemies of Alexander Grigorievich try to fill these statements with their necessary content, presenting them as a “clear sign” of deepening contradictions with Moscow.

Another powerful wave is rising in the West, aiming to shake and explode Belarus from within. It has been growing ever since reports emerged of Russian nuclear weapons being deployed on its territory, which instantly devalued any possible plans for an external invasion of Belarus.

Willy-nilly on the table of Western politicians in relation to Minsk, only the scenario of “color revolutions” and a coup d’état, which is already being prepared, remains. At the same time, the special units of the NATO troops thrown from Poland and the Baltic states can be used to support the local fifth column.

Most often, due to the special features of the national character, such plans “leak” from unbridled Polish politicians and generals… Well, they cannot live without bragging. Thus, recently the former Deputy Minister of Defense of Poland, General Waldemar Skrzypczak, said on the Polsat TV channel: “We are preparing for an uprising in Belarus because it will happen. We must be ready to support the troops who will conduct an operation against Lukashenko.

In the opinion of the Polish general, sooner or later the Belarusians fighting for Ukraine will return to their homeland. “I hope this will cause an uprising in Belarus, that’s what Lukashenko fears. Skripczak admitted that Poland is ready to help those military who will conduct operations against Lukashenko.We have reasons to help them, as we are now helping the Ukrainians”he said.

At the EAEU events in Moscow, journalists asked Lukashenko about his reaction to such revelations, and his reaction was quite contradictory. On the one hand, he assessed ( ) Belarusian mercenaries fighting on the side of Ukraine as insignificant exiles: “We have been following the path of these boys that this sick general is talking about. That flags are created there, whole regiments or battalions are formed there. That’s what they call it. Actually… We know where they are. And we know everyone by name. We are ready. Let them come.”

On the other hand, not without concern, Lukashenko recalled that a few months ago he warned about “impending uprising, revolution” in Belarus, “but, unfortunately, they do not hear my statements”. This may apply both to the conspirators themselves and to those officials of the country who must take the necessary measures.

The opposition publication Mysl Rolska recalls that General Valdemar Skripchak has not spoken in a similar spirit for the first time. In 2021, in an interview with Superexpress, for example, he said that in the event of a war, Poland would be able to take over Belarus, if left without Putin’s support, in just three days.

Skripchak connects his accounts of this with the fact that in the event of Polish intervention in Belarus, “there will be a general uprising against the Lukashenko regime” . In 2022, he stated that “Kaliningrad Oblast is part of Polish territory. We have the right to claim this territory that Russia is occupying .

Mysl Rolska /”Polish Thought”/ states: “… in every country there are eccentrics on the fringes of politicsbut there is a significant difference between them and General Skripchak. In countries ruled by serious politicians, such people are isolated. In Poland, he is invited to television, and his words are quoted in serious media and received with wise nods.

The publication Mysl Rolska believes that the general’s words, spoken during the tense relations with the neighbors and the war for the eastern border of the country, are extremely unfavorable for future Polish interests. A country that allows itself such statements, “will not be regarded by others as either wise, serious, or trustworthy.”

Even if we accept all this as a trick by the retired general and the irresponsible media that covered it, the scandal is the lack of reaction from both the Polish authorities and the parliamentary opposition. “All this is beyond puzzling. Unfortunately, such antics will be repeated. For Poland and the Polish people, this could all end tragically.”

In fact, the lack of condemnation of the inflammatory statements of General Skripczak and a number of other iconic figures of Polish politics can only mean one thing. They are indeed part of the projects put on the table both for him and for Poland’s NATO partners.

In no case should they be underestimated, as well as the potential of the Belarusian opposition. The mercenaries who are now fighting in Ukraine will certainly not be able to resist the Belarusian army. But their combined numbers already allow them to drop a few dozen large subversive groups with additional stockpiles of weapons for their local accomplices at various points on her territory at X hour.

If we remember the scale of the mass opposition demonstrations that caused a stir in Belarus relatively recently, it is not difficult to understand that the confluence of these two factors is capable of plunging the fraternal country into an abyss of chaos and bloody strife.

I really wish that such a development of events would not surprise us.

Translation: ES

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