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The Netherlands is preparing a possible evacuation of the embassy in Afghanistan

In recent days, the Taliban have conquered much territory in Afghanistan, including Kandahar, the second city in the country. There is a chance that the capital Kabul will also be taken by the extremist Taliban fighters. According to the US government, that could happen within a month.

If it comes to that, it will not be possible to keep the embassy open, acknowledges Minister Kaag. She spoke to the deputy ambassador this morning, she said.

“We have of course expressed our enormous support and asked them to continuously keep a line with us about what is still needed in all the preparations we are now making.”

Already 110 interpreters brought to the Netherlands

The US and UK governments have already evacuated a significant portion of their embassy staff. The countries are also sending extra troops.

The Netherlands has not gone that far yet. “We always pay close attention to the safety of the embassy staff, we are also responsible for that to an important extent,” said Minister Bijleveld. For the time being, the security seems to be sufficiently in order. The two ministers did not want to give details for security reasons.

However, the Netherlands is working to protect interpreters who have worked for the Netherlands. They are in danger, because the Taliban sees them as traitors for their aid to the Netherlands. Of the 273 interpreters, about 110 have now been brought to the Netherlands with their families, says Bijleveld.

Taliban see opportunity

The international force that has been present in Afghanistan for the past 20 years is currently in the process of withdrawing. As a result, the Taliban see an opportunity to seize power in the country.

If that happens, Afghanistan could turn back into a country where terrorism can breed, says professor Martijn Kitzen in this video:

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