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The Netherlands is estimated to have fifteen “gay healers” Inland

This is evident from research sent by Minister Hugo de Jonge (Health, Welfare and Sport) to the House of Representatives.

The House of Representatives had asked the minister for the investigation. MPs from VVD, D66, PvdA and GroenLinks, among others, fear that vulnerable youths in strict faith communities in particular will be exposed to such ‘therapies’. A majority want to criminalize attempts at homosexuality.

The research shows that young people, especially in some Orthodox Christian faith communities, experience a lot of pressure to suppress non-heterosexual feelings. In some cases, homosexuality is even seen as “evil” and “demons” from which they must be freed.

Self-proclaimed gay healers

People who have undergone sessions with self-proclaimed gay healers speak of very penetrating and intimidating situations, according to the researchers. “Those who have experienced this have experienced harmful consequences.” Conversations with experts in experience have shown that most have undergone these so-called conversion therapies on their own initiative.

“That this type of quackery still occurs in the Netherlands is now undeniably certain,” responds the gay interest organization COC. “It is also clear how serious the consequences are for people who are victims of it. It is now up to politicians to immediately ban such practices. ”

The researchers are still working on putting recommendations and possible measures on paper. This second phase of the investigation is expected to be completed at the end of this month, after which the cabinet will issue a substantive response.

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