The coalition parties want to bring 100 refugees from the burned camp Moria on Lesbos to the Netherlands. They advised this to the cabinet after an afternoon of feverish consultation. This will soon send a letter to the Lower House. It would concern 50 young people and 50 ‘vulnerable’ people.
Until now, the cabinet did not want to bring asylum seekers to the Netherlands who are stranded on the Greek islands. For example, it financed shelter for about 50 young people on the Greek mainland. The first location is expected to open at the end of the month.
But because of the fires on Lesvos, the CDA now also believes that more needs to be done than humanitarian aid in Greece. D66 and ChristenUnie have thought that for some time.
All afternoon, a solution was sought that the VVD could agree with. That party does not want the number of people admitted to the Netherlands to increase.
The House of Representatives would debate with State Secretary Broekers and Minister Kaag from 2 p.m. That debate has been rescheduled due to coalition consultations.