Home » today » World » The neo-liberalist streak is running amok on an American model – 2024-08-24 13:27:57

The neo-liberalist streak is running amok on an American model – 2024-08-24 13:27:57

/ world today news/ The disloyal “reformers”, the green terrorists and the Sorosoid gang for the production of protest shares are trying to compromise the government.

Neoliberalists are close to fascists and bolsheviks in obscurantism, their methods and ultimate goals are the same

The only conclusion from the story is that no conclusions can be drawn from it, wrote humorist Branislav Nušić. Today, once again, we see evidence of the same in the performance of our political actors. Instead of energetically driving the caravan of the executive branch, they waste valuable time, nervously stomping in place and trying to please the hysterical screaming of green, pink, blue, red and other political terrorists.

The power in the parliament was obtained after the convincing vote of the voters, the government was formed according to all the democratic rules, according to which the losers of the elections were left to obey and play in opposition. I wouldn’t! Quite naturally, the neo-liberal band went into a hysterical fit and blew media vuvuzelas against part of the coalition. In fact, against the results of the elections, which once again showed their real political weight and the attitude of Bulgarians towards their parties, leaders and ideological values.

But why are the prime minister, the deputies and the leadership of GERB once again falling for their nasty tricks, entering explanatory mode in front of extremely insignificant groups and entities with a bad reputation in society? The only serious reason is known – external pressure. Nothing, but absolutely nothing else significant is behind yesterday’s and tomorrow’s “reformers”, non-pedestrians and gay paraders.

And behind the green monkey bars, mainly the interests of foreign business players are visible, the other is the sick passion of a handful of brats to harass thousands of property owners. With the perverted joy inherent in almost all non-pedestrians, that their subversive actions have a harmful effect on people, but bring benefits to them. The government does not take into account the public interests, but with their clefts, ergo they are smart, beautiful and whatever else they fantasize about and claim.

Thus, the question arose forcefully in “Trud”: “Who really governs us, Mr. Tsvetanov – GERB and the patriots or the green Ligliov citizens?” Why, with all your will to govern, do you roll back a reasonable law in order to please with an apologetic smile the noisy brats above? Once you have a parliamentary majority and a stable government, such a move is inevitably interpreted as a “love serenade under the green balcony”!

Well you pass them like an express train a small stop and then it will be assumed that you are performing your management functions!

It is good to finally understand that the Bulgarians vote proportionally or by majority vote for you, first of all, to get rid of those scoundrels from the neoliberalizing political and peri-political spectrum. It as a whole and in its individual segments has failed completely and irretrievably for independent use.

It has only the technique available to terrorize you and thus induce you to carry out the external instructions to it. To drag you with vuvuzelaen from the street and especially from the screens of helpful televisions or to kick you in a coalition from within, if her foreign benefactors force you to strangle her to power. The voters may not like them, the Bulgarians may hate them, but they often manage to achieve some of their goals through GERB.

So the freezing of GERD is coming, it is already underway, there are enough facts, the trend is becoming noticeable. It was with this motive that the previous government resigned after the results of the presidential elections, which, according to the prime minister, were indicative! How many more times will it be won after giving up government in the middle of the mandate with sufficient parliamentary support? The next such “maneuver” will be widely perceived as an expression of fear and irresponsibility, as a recognition of unfitness to do some public service.

This is what the current subversive event of the strand called “Nazi Scandal” is aimed at. Some kind of scandal is going on, but it’s not Nazi. Due to the absence in our country of Nazis, fascists and other permanently satanized after the World War phenomena of the last century. In view of the voters’ vote, GERB naturally invited the United Patriots, who loyally supported the previous cabinet, as a coalition ally.

It is the then disloyal “reformers” and the Sorosoid gang for the production of protest shares that are furiously pushing to compromise this management relationship. They know that, in view of their interests, the DPS and especially the BSP with their left-right Trotskyist leadership will be involved in the operation. Even before the scandal, the DPS insisted on the removal of the “United Patriots” from the executive power, now it just reminds of the same.

Strictly according to Nušić, the Positanians have not learned important lessons for themselves, and the party has learned both from the consequences of the bloody persecution of “monarcho-fascists” 70 years ago, and from its vilification and attempted persecution after being dumped by the Kremlin. Thousands of Bulgarians, most of them innocent, suffered from the repressions of the communist regime, which were often carried out without trial or conviction. There were among the repressed and not least cruel supporters of the tsarist power, primitive beaters and murderers in the civil service, enthusiastic sympathizers of Greater Germany, but the real ideological and political figures such as Nazis and fascists were an insignificant percentage.

The pancake has turned, the time has come for the communists to become the object of stigmatization by placing them under the same denominator with the manipulative equating of communism and fascism, according to the same recipe. Once again the expulsion of the administrative, military and professional elite created over the years, again as after September 1944, high and middle government positions are occupied by people who are incompetent, irresponsible and simply unfit for serious work.

According to the main criteria, the BSP has severed its relationship with the BKP, but with the practice of stigmatizing and maligning different people by placing different people under one denominator, it is clearly not. As zealous social liberals, the Positians, together with the neoliberal cosmopolitans, attacked the “United Patriots” on an insignificant occasion in political plan old photo. Hysterical verbal attacks flooded the newly appointed Pavel Tenev, and there is absolutely nothing politically reprehensible in his biography. He is not a Nazi or a fascist, but those people need something like that to attack, they stuck the desired labels on him and declared him a “witch”. Ivo Antonov, head of the Ministry of Defense directorate, lobbied for one.

What can they do, if they want to prosecute, they always have to slander someone for something, burn him at the stake in the media and ask for his resignation. And the Deputy Prime Minister Valery Simeonov wants to be removed, he had taken bad pictures in a concentration camp, maybe harbored anti-Semitic thoughts in his head. There is no data for anything like that, but how much is it for them to make them up and hand “Shalom” to remind about the holocaust.

And the head of PACE Stanishev should scold Borisov for his bad choice of partners. Chase these nationalists, Borisov, they are Nazis! Oh, how he rose after sweetly kissing in the middle of Sofia with the ardent Euro-Atlantic-Erdoganist Mestan!

“Of all the deputy ministers of the United Patriots, Tenev was the best and the most prepared. I am truly sorry that this is happening because of such stupidity on his part. It is human to make such jokes during business trips,” says the prime minister, and he is very close to the correct assessment. But he removed both of them, thus pleasing his own enemies.

Namely, the neoliberalists are the closest to the fascists and the Bolsheviks in obscurantism, their methods are the same, their ultimate goals are the same, and like them they are ready to drown the world in blood. Both for those and for these, patriots and patriots are the first opponents and objects of ferocious aggression. This is what they see being done in the USA against the new president of the country, this is being applied with some ground nuances in France, the Netherlands, Austria and here. They need democracy only as a cover for establishing an anti-democratic order.

If there is a real threat to the realization of their anti-popular goals, they will switch to repression, as did the Bolsheviks, Maoists, Nazis and fascists, who greatly impressed millions of people with their slogans. Like all bearers of the Unique Values ​​and guides to a Bright Future, the wielders of neoliberal exceptionalism are already on their dark path. Therefore, it is suicidal to indulge and make concessions to such.

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