Garbage in the street, on the sidewalk, rats and bad smell make the capital of the world ugly, also creating a dangerous and uncomfortable environment for residents and tourists.
-Would you like to see the city hire people to clean the sidewalks and a bit of the street?
“Well, I think so,” said Luisa Osorio, a resident of the area. “That would also promote employment, right?”
Keeping the Big Apple clean is everyone’s job, says Rosaín Cortez, who makes a living as a street vendor.
Do you wish there was more control?
“Sure, so that we have the opportunity to work and keep the city clean.”
The consensus of residents, small businesses and even business owners is that the local government should not hold them 100% responsible. Rather, recognize the need and help in commercial areas like popular Roosevelt Avenue in Jackson Heights.
However, a proposal from Manhattan District 3 Councilor Erik Bottcher seeks to fine business owners if they don’t keep the front clean all day.
-The city should then provide people to clean the sidewalks?
“Yes, yes, because we are in a city that we must keep everything completely clean. Not only the one next door but all of them,” said Elsy Olaya.
to the event.
The law requires property owners to clean up to 18 inches into the street at risk of penalties within two hours per day.
The new legislation would extend the mandate from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., or the hours of operation established by the merchant. And here, the controversy arises.
“When they arrive, sometimes they put the garbage in there all at once and it opens up, they leave everything filthy, and they sweep a little bit but they leave all that nothing. So we have to send people to clean again”, said Giancarlo Franco, business manager.
Among Elsy Olaya’s responsibilities at the “Pecochitas” bakery is to sweep the front of the business in compliance with the law.
He sees the proposal well but asks, like so many others, not to be left alone.
At the moment it is just a bill. The next step is to take it to a vote and submit it for approval.