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The Necessity of Translating the Work Book for Seniority: Insights from the Labor Attaché in Spain

Many Romanians working abroad have asked the question of whether it is necessary to translate the work book, in order to certify the seniority. The answer to this question was provided by the labor attaché in Spain, Cristina Florea. It also explains what happens to these documents.

The work book for seniority does not need to be translated, says the labor attaché in Spain, Cristina Florea. She claims that this document is one that will be used in Romania, which is why it does not require translations.

The official spoke about the work book and its translation following a question asked by a Romanian working in Spain. He said that a Spanish official had asked for his work card to be translated, which is why he was requesting the services of the consulate in Madrid.

“I don’t know who can ask for the translation. The information about seniority is not used directly here in Spain, so that the work book needs to be translated”, said Cristina Florea.

The work book for seniority does not need to be translated

The official also explained why there is no need for Romanians working abroad to do so. She says that the Spanish official certifies the seniority, when a copy is filed. Then he sends it in Romanian, to Romania. For this reason it should not be translated. It does not make sense for a document to be translated, although it must be in Romanian.

“The authority in Spain sends a copy of the work book. A copy that the Spanish official certifies when you submit the file, sends it in Romanian to Romania. The authority in Romania needs that work card to certify that you have the length of work. It does not make sense to pay the money to submit a document in Spanish when in fact that document is needed in Romanian,” Cristina Florea pointed out.

If, for other reasons, a Romanian needs the translated work book, this cannot be done at the Consulate. The translation must be done by someone authorized.

Forms certifying seniority

The work book does not need to be translated even for the request for aid for those over 52. Proof of length of service in Romania is provided through the Pension House, through a European form. This is sent to the Spanish Social Security Institute or SEPE.

A Romanian from Spain does not even have to contact the Romanian Pension House directly. European forms certifying length of service only circulate between institutions.

“It must be known that the document in Spanish is not needed because it is not used here. The seniority is not proven directly here in Spain, presenting the employment card in Spanish, but through the form that Romania will send. Therefore, there is no need for the work certificate in Spanish”, says Cristina Florea.

The official claims that whoever “requests the document in Spanish is not doing his job well”. The U1 form, required for the attestation of seniority, is a European one. These forms are not translated, but circulated at European level.

“You just have to present it as such to the Spanish institution and also the original work book and a simple copy that the official certifies. The fact that he asks for it in Spanish is an abuse,” Cristina Florea said, according to the report ziarulromanesc.de.

2023-09-26 04:04:58
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