Home » today » News » The Nature Museum is announcing a bird photography competition: this time only photos taken in the wild in Latvia will be judged

The Nature Museum is announcing a bird photography competition: this time only photos taken in the wild in Latvia will be judged

The photo competition “My Bird” is one of the most anticipated activities of the Museum of Nature. Dmitry Boyko, the long-time curator of the competition, ornithologist, is pleased that he is still interested in it: he has received calls and letters a long time ago with excited questions about whether the competition will take place this year.

“Although there have been changes in the daily life of all of us, we have found a solution for the competition and therefore I urge you to carefully read the new regulations, take the time to fill in the application carefully and be tolerant if you have technical problems, let us know!” says Boiko.

The specialist also points out that the photographed objects will be evaluated more strictly in the competition, this year only birds photographed in the Latvian wild may participate. For the first time in the competition’s more than 15-year history, entries will be submitted digitally by completing an application form and attaching images.

This format will allow the jury to better assess the authenticity of the technical parameters of the photographs. However, despite the changed rules, we encourage photographers not to be afraid, to participate and fight for an award-winning place.

In connection with the fulfillment of the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GBER), the age groups of the tenderers have also been changed – from 2020, the group of children (up to 12 years), young people (13-20 years), adults (21-50 years), seniors (51 and more years). We invite the parents of the children’s group applicants to observe all the requirements included in the competition regulations, otherwise the submitted works will not be evaluated.

The museum also reminds that the competition regulations may be changed due to changes in the situation in the country in connection with measures to limit the spread of Covid-19. Participants will be informed and invited to follow the information on the museum’s website.

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