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The National Reintegration March: Support for EU Membership and Protests Against Brexit

The National Reintegration March (NRM) gathered near Hyde Park and was due to finish in the square outside Parliament as supportive drivers honked their horns, AFP reported.

Protesters carried placards reading “The road to EU membership starts here” and “Join, rejoice”.

The movement supports a return to EU membership, which Britain left after voting for Brexit in the 2016 referendum.

The Withdrawal Agreement was negotiated during the premiership of former Conservative Prime Minister Boris Johnson and entered into force in 2021., with a revision scheduled for 2025.

Peter Corr, a leader and co-founder, said he decided to organize the march because he “felt like everyone had given up” on the cause.

“Brexit was a huge mistake, we all – especially the working class and poorer people – are paying for it and we have to do something about it,” Corr, a lorry driver from the central English city of Derby, told local news agency PA.

Protester Rachel Ashley, who was wearing glasses with big stars, told AFP she was “just absolutely furious” about Brexit.

The Labor leader has promised a “serious” Brexit renegotiation

According to him, Britain “has turned its back on the world

“I know people who are devastated. They are so deeply embarrassed … that they have been played for fools,” she said.

Another Brexit critic, Frances Smith, a 68-year-old pensioner, said she sees herself as a European.

“To have that taken away from me is vicious,” she said.

On Friday, opposition Labor leader Keir Starmer was forced to deny he wanted to rejoin the EU after recent comments led the ruling Conservatives to accuse him of wants to “dismantle Brexit”.

Theresa May has defended her Brexit deal

According to her, it was better than what Boris Johnson achieved

Starmer insists there is no case for a return to the EU, the customs union or the single market. The leader of the Liberal Democrats, the fourth largest party in parliament, also said that voters no longer “talk about Europe” in their homes. The Liberal Democrats had previously promised to “stop Brexit”. “We want Britain back at the heart of Europe, but we are also realistic that it will take some time,” Ed Davey said ahead of his party’s annual conference on Saturday.

2023-09-23 20:14:30
#Protest #London #Time #return

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