Home » today » Entertainment » The national petition for the legendary top star “Save Yoon Jung-hee”… Dementia Diabetes, but left alone

The national petition for the legendary top star “Save Yoon Jung-hee”… Dementia Diabetes, but left alone

Actor Yoon Jeong-hee is hugging a distinguished guest who attended the opening ceremony of’Screen, Painted with the Color of Yoon Jeong-hee’ held at Cinematheque KOFA in Mapo-gu, Seoul on the afternoon of September 22, 2016. In the special exhibition of’Screen, Painted with Colors of Yoon Jeong-hee’, which celebrates the 50th anniversary of Yoon Jung-hee’s debut, 20 major works by Yoon Jung-hee, who gained popularity as one of the actress troikas in the 1960s, were screened. © News1

The Blue House petition for the rescue of the top star who swept through the 1960s and 1970s, “Jung-hee Yoon (77), came up, which gave a big shock.

Petitioner said that Yoon is suffering from dementia and diabetes and needs active care, but he is left alone in the suburbs of Paris, France and is virtually blocked from meeting with his own family. As Yun wished, “Please help me to spend the rest of my life in Korea, my country.” “He appealed.

◇ A petition to rescue Yoon Jung-hee appeared… Considering defamation ***Anonymous treatment, Junghee Yoon

This petition was posted on the 5th with the title “Please save the movie star *** who is falling apart from the outside day by day”, and as of 8 am on the 7th, 1813 people agreed.

The petition bulletin board manager handled the name *** in consideration of the possibility of damage to personal honor, the fact that the fact is not 100% clear, and legal battles following the disclosure of the real name, but if you read the article, you can clearly see that he is Yoon Jeong-hee. .

In other words, in the petitioner’s writing, △ In January 2019, Yun was awarded the mother-in-law award △ The husband took Yoon to France in April 2019 △ In the second half of 2019, the husband and daughter had a (false) press conference on the condition of Yoon △ in Paris. Although he has lived for a long time, there is an expression saying that his love for Korean movies △ Korean nationality △ District living for decades outside Paris △ Birthday was July (born July 30, 1944).

A national petition for “save movie actor Yoon Jung-hee.” It was anonymous, but if you read the article, you can see that it is Yoon Jeong-hee. (Cheongwadae bulletin board capture) © News1

◇ First generation Troika… 28th Best Actress Award, Grand Bell Award for’Poetry’ in 2010 when she was 66

Yoon Jung-hee debuted with the movie “Youth Theater” in 1967, and formed a troika with Moon-hee and Nam Jeong-im. Since then, Troika has been passed down to Jung Yoon-hee, Jang Mi-hee, and Yoo Ji-in as the most honorable words among actresses.

Yoon Jeong-hee, a first-generation Troika, has received only 28 lead awards (most among Korean actors), including 3 Best Actress Awards at the Daejong Award, 3 Best Actress Awards at the Blue Dragon Film Awards, and 3 Best Actress Awards at the Baeksang Arts Awards.

In 2010, when he was 66 years old, he won the Daejong Award for Best Actress for’Poetry’ by director Lee Chang-dong, and was named as a candidate for the Cannes Film Festival.

◇ Dementia and diabetes alone outside Paris in the neglect of her husband and daughter… Like a solitary prison

The petition began with the saying, “I am now separated from my husband and not being cared for by my spouse, and I am alone in an apartment outside Paris, struggling with Alzheimer’s and diabetes.”

“I can’t even enter my house in Vincennes, a region outside Paris, where I have lived for decades, because my husband, who avoids Hansako’s wife, lives.” “Is the Alzheimer’s patient Yoon Jung-hee himself taking prescription drugs such as diabetes? Even if I ask my daughter if I want to give it, I don’t tell her.”

Petitioner said, “(Yoon Jeong-hee) has been neglected by his immediate family, spouse and daughter, and has spent most of his time fighting a difficult disease alone. Communication with his brothers is very difficult, and he is almost in solitary prison life, disconnected from outside. “He appealed.

◇ Happy birthday, Yoon Jung-hee neglected and summer vacation… I can’t even see the younger sister I visited

“I asked my daughter several times so that the brothers could freely call and visit, but I set the number and time as if visiting a prisoner.” “Individual freedom is seriously violated, and human rights cannot be found. “No.”

“At the end of July of last year (2020), a younger sister in France drove more than 6 hours by car to celebrate her sister’s birthday, but the daughter neglected her mother and left her family on a three-week vacation, so she couldn’t meet. “I was angry.

Yoon Jung-hee walks on the red carpet at the closing ceremony of the 10th Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival on July 20, 2006. © News1

◇ Yoon Jung-hee, who was bright and cheerful, was dragged into France to fracture her thigh… 20 years older

Cheong Won-in said, “As a husband, who had been staying at a hotel (in Seoul) for two months, avoiding a confrontation with his wife in early 2019, suddenly appeared in Yeouido with his daughter at the end of April 2019. “The husband and daughter appeared in Seoul again a few months later, and informed the dementia of the spouse, who could not be hidden in the media, as if they were about to die, unconscious or senile.”

◇ Yoon Jung-hee, who wanted to spend his old days in Korea… please

Cheong Won-in said, “Before he was forced to move to France, Jung-hee Yoon had only short-term memories. He was bright, cheerful, and joked well, but when he was brought to France, he was hospitalized with a fracture of the thigh and his face looked 20 years older.” “It is the petitioner’s desperate wish to spend the rest of his life comfortably after receiving a medical treatment.”

In addition, he repeatedly emphasized that “Yun Jeong-hee always said he wanted to spend his old days in Korea,” he asked for help.

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