The National Investigation Agency (NIA) is set to take over the investigation into the Kerala train arson case. The Kerala police, which has been working on the case, has invoked the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act against accused Shahrukh Saifi. The NIA will investigate the larger conspiracy behind the arson and will examine possible handlers and aides that may have been part of the conspiracy. They are also assessing inter-state linkages, given that Saifi is from Shaheen Bagh in Delhi and was arrested in Ratnagiri, Maharashtra. The NIA has informally been involved in the case since the beginning, with officers from its Kochi branch having arrived on the scene soon after the attack. On April 2, Saifi had attempted to set some passengers alight on board the Alappuzha-Kannur Executive Express at Elathur in Kozhikode after spraying them with an inflammable liquid. Three passengers died while trying to escape the fire jumping out of the train. Saifi was later arrested from Ratnagiri.